The Police (5)

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Bella POV @ 10:30 p.m.

"Ring, ring." "Is she still not answering?" "No, Lexi. I am getting worried. Every time I tell her to text me when she gets home, she does it and it has been two hours!" "She could of forgotten, Bella. She did look pale when she left." "I know and we should of went with her." "Come on Bella, we can go check her house."

We walked outside while I was still trying to ring her cell. "Lexi, do you hear that? It's the ringtone she has for me." "Yes, I hear it. I will try to find were it's coming from." "Bella, over here this is Esther's phone." "O no, we need to go take it to her!" "Lexi, her car is still here!" "Okay calm down Bella, let's go to her house and tell her parents."

We got into Lexi's car and headed to her house. Twenty minutes later, we pulled into her driveway. I ran out of the car and knocked on her door, her dad answered.

"Lexi, Bella, what's wrong?" "Sir, Esther is missing!" "What do you mean Esther is missing, Bella?" "She left the dance two hours ago and when she never texted that she reached home we went outside to come to her house but once outside we found her phone on the ground and her car still parked!" "My Esther is missing! We need to call the police!"

Lexi and I walked into her house while her dad got on the phone with the police. Esther's mother came downstairs asking what the ruckus was. Lexi told her everything and we ran to catch her while she fell down on the last stair.

"The police will be here soon. All we have right now is prayer." We all joined hands and prayed for Esther. During prayer we started crying but soon afterwards there was a peace in the room. It is nice to know God is listening to our prayers.

Officer Bob Roberts and Officer Marco Starck were the ones to take the call. As soon as they got to the house Lexi told her recollection of the tragedy.  "Officer I remember a couple of things suspicious. The other day at the mall there were these two guys who were staring at us and it looked like it was mostly towards Esther.  Also officer, today I saw a black van at the school with no one in it and immediately I felt danger." Lexi is good at noticing things while I just pay attention to my own thoughts. "Thank you Lexi for the information. We will stay in touch with you guys."

"Wait, officer what about my baby girl?" "Well, ma'am. This not the first sighting of the black van and this is not the first abducted girl. I am sorry ma'am, but we can not put her abduction on the news till Sunday." "O, officer, that is too long. Why so long?" "I am sorry ma'am but that is just the law. We will do everything we can to get your daughter back, but no promises. We will stay in touch. Bye. Sorry ma'am."

The officers left with a frown on their faces. Usually officers promise people these things which means that they do not have hope in getting her back. My best friend, Esther abducted! Why Lord, why her? Once I asked that question I felt calm and peace surround me. She will be okay, she has to be, I just know it.
Lexi POV

Once the officers asked if we saw anything suspicious, I remembered the two guys from the mall. I saw their faces in the mirror while I was talking to Esther. They were looking at us with an evil smile and they looked like they were staring right at Esther. O my poor Esther. My best friend with those beasts. I know it was them. I even remembered the black van with no one in it and that showed danger.

"Officer I do remember a couple of things suspicious." "Yes, Lexi what was it?" "The other day at the mall there were these two guys who were staring at us and it looked mostly towards Esther. Also officer, today I saw a black van at the school with no one in it, and I sensed danger, immediately." I thank the Lord for giving me the memories. I pray it helps the officers. "Thank you Lexi for the information. We will stay in touch with you guys."

"Wait, officer. What about my baby girl?" "Well, ma'am this is not the first sighting of the black van and this is not the first abducted girl. I am sorry ma'am we can not put her abduction on the news till Sunday." "O, officer, that is too long. Why so long?" "I am sorry ma'am that is just how it is. We will do everything we can to get your daughter back, but no promises. We will stay in touch. Bye. Sorry ma'am."

Once the officers left, I saw their faces, they have no hope on getting her back.

To think, I was telling Bella that she probably just forgot to text us. I did not know this was going to happen. Even though, I felt scared and afraid, I had peace surround me, and I knew everything was going to be okay.

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora