Second Client Part 1 (14)

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Esther POV: Friday Night

I was sitting at the edge wondering how to get out of this slavery stuff when Vanessa stormed into the room. "Here Esther, take this." "What is it?" "They will help with the pain." It took me awhile before understanding what she was handing me. "Thank you for the thought Vanessa, but I don't need pain killers, or anything related to them, I have Jesus to take away the pain." "How can you say that Esther? You just had your first client today. You're God has forsaken you." "You're wrong Vanessa, my God has not forsaken me and He never will. Vanessa, I never slept with that Hex today. Someone called for Hex, and he had to go. Him being gone took the whole three hours." "Well Esther, I am glad to hear you have so much faith. I lost the hope I had three months after being here." After she said that she stormed right out of the room. Poor Vanessa. Lord, give her your strength.

I was praying when the door opened and shut. I looked up and Darrien was there. Great, what does he want? "Hey there my little kitty. I trust you did well today. Well little kitty, I just wanted to let you know that you should rest; you have your second client tomorrow. Bye my little kitty." He walked out of the room, and I sat there dumbfounded. Second client?

I got off the bed and went to the dresser. Grabbing some pajamas, I put them on and laid down in bed. Within minutes I fell asleep dreaming about being home with my parents, and everything back to being perfect.

"Boom!" "Esther, get up, or you're going to be late for the second client, and you know that is not going to sit well with me." "What time is it?" Before Darrien had a chance to answer me, I looked at the clock on top of the dresser, "6:00 in the morning. I do not want to be awake. I am not a morning person especially on Saturday." "Well, life sucks for you little kitty. You will be working whenever there is someone who wants you, and there are going to be times where you will never get sleep. Esther, if you do not hurry up and get out of that bed I will send Damien in here!" "Boom!" Before he shut the door fully, I jumped right out of bed.

I walked over to the closest and looked at the new dresses they got for me. I chose a blue dress that had sequences around the neckline. After I slipped the dress on, I looked in the mirror that was on the closest door. The dress was perfect because it did not show an inch of my back or chest. I grabbed some flats that were white.

Sitting down on the bed, the door opened and in came Damien. Great. "Nice to see you ready. O, don't get used to a dress like that. That's all the dresses they had, and when they get more, your whole body will be sticking out." That's repulsive. "Come on Esther; it's time to go." I got off the bed, and followed Damien to the white van.

Ten minutes later and we arrived where I needed to be. Damien opened the van door and I stepped out. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward. It was a hotel this time, and Damien pulled me to room five-eighty-three.

He opened the door, and shoved me in the room. I looked around, but there was no one in the room, so I decided to sit on the queen-size bed. The room looked to be the suite of the hotel. The television was in front of the bed, and was the size of the bed. The walls where red with decoration all around. There was a love seat on the side of the wall, and the room was spacious with other doors.

I thought about exploring the whole room, but the door opened, and in came a familiar face.

Hey guys I thought it would be nice to be a cliffhanger. 😉😆 So who do you think came into the room? I would love to know your guesses. 😊

Love you guys 😘

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