The Dance (4)

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"Cock-a-doodle-doo." "Cock-a-doodle-doo." I jumped right out of bed landing on the floor. I have never jumped because of my alarm clock. I felt like my life was in danger, but I could not pinpoint why.

Getting off the floor, I grabbed my phone to check the time. Six-thirty, I guess since I am out of bed I should get dressed for school. I usually get out of bed at seven o' five to get dressed, but there is no point in going back to sleep when I am fully awake.

I grabbed some jeans and a t-shirt from my dresser. Putting them on after taking off my pajamas, I went to the closest to grab my boots. Going back to my dresser I grabbed some socks and sat down. After putting on my socks, I slipped on my boots.

Going downstairs, I grabbed a banana for my breakfast. Finishing up my banana I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

Heading out the door I snatched up the keys, my backpack and satchel,
got to school with thirty minutes to spare.

"Hey, Lexi and Bella. How is your day going so far." "Pretty good so far, but Lexi broke-up with her boyfriend." Lexi has a new boyfriend about every week, so I knew this one wasn't going to stay. He wasn't good enough for Lexi anyways. "O no, what happened Lexi?" "He cheated on me." See I knew he wasn't good enough for her. " I am sorry Lexi. Is there anything I could get you, or do for you?" "It is fine Esther; I like someone else anyway." That's what she always says after breaking up with her boyfriends, but I know that she does this to hide her true self. Poor Lexi, Lord please help her with the pain. The only words I could think of though we're, "O well, that is nice to hear." I am not good with this stuff. Hopefully Bella can comfort her better. "Guys I am going to my locker, so I will see you later. Bye." "Okay, bye Esther."

Walking to my locker I noticed a black van across the way. It looked suspicious and I got chills looking at it, but I wouldn't understand why because no one was in the van. I finally got inside the school and felt safer.

I opened my locker, and grabbed my first period books. First period is boring because it is History, but it goes by fast which is good. "Ding, ding." Well I guess it's time for class.

"Ding, ding." Yes, school is out for two days.

Arriving home, I got in the shower. It took thirty minutes to get out of the shower then I got ready for the dance. I grabbed my straightener and plugged it into the outlet. After three minutes it was ready and I straightened my hair.

"Done!" Ready for the dance. I went to my mirror and knew I was perfect. Some people might think that I brag about myself, but I am beautiful just the way I am, without makeup. I don't even understand how girls wear it in the first place. I can't go a second with putting chapstick on. 

Well I am ready, so might as well get to the dance before I am late. Once I got down stairs, I grabbed a satchel that was the same pink as my dress, and grabbed my keys from the key holder then headed out the door.

Arriving at the school, I parked and looked at the clock. It is already 6:20 so that gave me ten minutes to think about if I really want to go to this dance. I was excited not to long ago, but I am just worried that Lexi and Bella would get to dance while I sit down and ponder on why I am still single. I guess I will never know unless I try.

I opened my door and got out of the car. Closing the door and locking the car I headed straight for the entrance where the dance will be held.

Taking in a deep breath; I walked into the school. I don't know why I am so nervous; it's not like it's prom. O, it's because I am single, and I feel like everyone would be looking at me thinking to themselves, "freak." Yeah that's it. I opened the doors, and O my gosh, the team who set this up decorated the dance beautifully.

"Esther, you look amazing!" "Thank you, Bella." "So, you decided to go with a vest and some leggings." "I knew you would." "Yes, Lexi you know me so well." "Of course, honey I am your best friend." She is a great best friend, and knows what I like or dislike. I smiled at her and then looked at both the girls then I looked at the snack table, "so who wants to go get snacks?" I am really hungry so if they say no I would be going without them. "Let's go." They replied in unison. Aww, the freaky stuff is back.

The table was beautifully decorated with sweets, veggies, and fruit. I grabbed a bowl and put grapes, strawberries, cherries, bananas, apples, and oranges while Lexi grabbed the veggies, and Bella grabbed the sweets. We girls have been grabbing the snacks like this since we first met.

We sat down at a round table placing the plates in the middle and started munching on the deliciousness. "So, Esther who are you going to dance with?" "Lexi, you know that there is only .000001% chance with me getting to dance with someone." "Girl you are crazy. Look how beautiful you are. There will be someone to ask for a dance with you." "Okay I will believe it when it happens."

Lexi was asked to dance with a boy named Luka while Bella was dancing with someone named Isaiah. I knew I was going to end up regretting this dance. Hope was almost lost when, "May I have this dance" was directed towards me.

Turning my head, I pinched myself once I saw the boy asking me that question. Ian, my crush, I must be dreaming. He is so handsome. "Yes, you may have this dance." I have to make sure to keep my cool; I don't want to scare him away. 

He took my hand and we headed to the dance floor. I couldn't understand the words to the song since all I could do was stare at him the whole time. He is tall, his hair is brown, and his eyes are hazel. I honestly don't know why I am attracted to him. It is most likely his personality, shy and quiet.

"Esther?" "Hum, sorry were you saying something?" "So how are you liking the Valentine dance, so far." "It is amazing! The community members decorated this room beautifully!" "Yes, they sure did!" After that it went back to silence. 

Dancing with him is amazing, but I still have this weird sense of being in danger. I looked over Ian and saw a shadow out the window. I got shivers up my spine. "O, are you okay Esther? You seem cold." "Yes, I am fine. thank you, Ian. I just need to sit down and rest."

We walked over to the table and he sat down next to me. "Here, Esther, take my jacket." I gave him a weak smile and took the jacket. "Thank you." I looked into his eyes and noticed the worry in them. He is actually worried about me?

Lexi and Bella came over to the table and started eating the snacks. When they saw Ian their faces lit up. I am never going to hear the end of this. "Esther, I am going to let you hang out with your friends, bye." After saying goodbye, I handed him his jacket and smiled at him.

"So, Esther did you guys dance with each other?" "Yes, Bella we danced." "O, that is so amazing, chica, see I said you would dance with someone!" Lexi was right but I really don't want to tell her that, so I gave her a smile.

My head was pounding and I still had shivers from the shadow, so I decided to head home. "Alright girls I am going to head out." "Okay, bye Esther." "Call us when you get home." "Okay, will do, Bella."

Walking out of the building, I thought too late that I should have brought a friend. I heard a skid right behind me, and someone grabbed hold of me. I kicked and fought, but I never won.

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