What have the police found? (12)

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Bella POV: Friday @ 10:30 a.m.

Getting out of bed was a hassle. This whole week I didn't attend school. Next week I have to attend school, but without Esther it will be a disaster. 

I walked to my closet and picked out a t-shirt that has love written on the front and the back has the verse 1 Corinthians 13:7 on it. "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Love is a beautiful thing, and this is my favorite verse. After putting on the shirt I grabbed some jeans and put them on then I put on some flats.

Wondering what I should do, I decided to call Lexi. "Ring, ring." "Hello?" "Hey Lexi, do you want to go visit Mr. and Mrs. Hart?" "Sure Bella, I will be over in twenty minutes." "Okay, see you in a bit Lexi."

Lexi picked me up and we headed to Esther's house. Parking in the driveway, I noticed police cars on the side. "Lexi, do you know why the police are here?" "No, I guess we should go find out if everything is ok."

We walked to the porch and knocked on the door. Mr. Hart opened the door, and his eyes had tears in them, but they also had hope. "Lexi, Bella, I am glad you girls are here." "Sir, is everything alright." "Yes, Bella. The police were just informing us that they have the names of the two criminals who took Esther." "O, that's great news, sir." "Would you girls like to come in?" "Yes, thank you sir." Lexi and I entered the house and sat down on the couch.

"Lexi, Bella, come give me a hug please." We both got off the couch and headed to hug Mrs. Hart. "Ma'am, I heard they have the names of the criminals." "Yes, Bella they do." "That's great." "Yes, they are two brothers named Darrien and Damien. There mother abused them since they were born and every since Damien turned twenty, he got his brother to work with him to take advantage of girls and sell drugs." "If they have this information on them, how come they have not put them behind bars?" "Bella, when they find the location of the brothers they hide, so the police suspect one of their own helping the brothers." "That's awful." I couldn't control it, tears came flowing down, and I fell to the ground. If they have someone behind a badge on their side, how are we supposed to get Esther then? They will know what's going on with the police, and then they will kill Esther.

"Bella, it's okay, the Lord will be with us." Yes, the Lord, he has been with me since middle school. Esther said He has been with me since my mother's womb, but I only felt His presence since middle school. I can be strong. I picked myself off the ground and wiped the tears off my face. "Mrs. Hart, the Lord will be with us. Thank you for reminding me."

The police left after awhile. Lexi and I stayed, talking to Ms. and Mrs. Hart for hours. We talked about Esther and how we all met then we talked about the funny moments with her. Lexi and I said are goodbyes, and left to our homes.

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