The questions (10)

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Lexi POV: Tuesday @ 3:00 p.m.

It's been four days since Esther got taken, and I miss my best friend greatly. I haven't even been able to attend school in the last two days. Bella is worse than me. Before Esther came along Bella got bullied and had no friends. Me, on the other hand, I was popular with everyone, but when someone spread rumors about me being pregnant, Esther was the only one who cared enough to believe me and not listen to the rumors. We three have been together since middle school. I need to go check on her parents.

I got to her house within twenty minutes. Parking the car, I noticed a cop car. Oh, hopefully it's good news and not bad. I walked out of the car and strolled over to their door. I knocked a couple of times and waited a few minutes before the door opened. 

"Lexi, it's good that you are here. Please come in." "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." I walked in and noticed Esther's mother crying while talking to the police. I walked over to her and sat on the couch. I took her hand and started crying myself.

"Lexi, the police has a witness who saw the license plate of the van. There is hope that we can get her back, but the ones who did this to Esther sent us some money and a letter with it." Wow usually people who kidnap want a ransom. She handed me a letter, and I took it from her, and opened it up to read the content.

Here is some money. I just want to inform you that we own your daughter now, and if you try anything, or do not take the money we will kill her.

My poor friend. "Lexi, we are glad to see you here and I am sorry but we got an artist for you to tell her the description of the two criminals you saw at the mall." "Sir, did you not read the letter? They warned us that they will kill her if we try anything." "Yes, we know that but we have the license plate and a description of their faces. We cannot sit back and do nothing once we have that stuff. Lexi, this could happen to some other girl. We have to get these criminals." I have their faces. I can't let another girl get abducted. "Yes, officer Starck I will give my statement." "Thank you, Lexi. Please come down to the station in an hour. I am sorry, we have another call to take. Bye." And with that they left.

"Lexi, thank you for coming over. "I had to make sure you guys are doing okay, Mr. Hart. I know that is not possible though. I have to go get ready to give my statement. I will come by later. Bye Mr. And Mrs. Hart." I walked out and drove off to my house. Her poor parents are worse than Bella and I. I don't know what it feels like to love a child, but I hear it's different from any other love. I now know it's true with Esther missing and her parents not knowing how to cope with it.
I arrived at the police station ten minutes before five. Walking in Officer Bob came and met me. "Good afternoon, Lexi, I thank you for coming. Follow me, please." I walked behind him to a a room. He opened the door and there was only a couch, chair, and white walls. On the chair a women sat with a notepad and a pencil in hand. Her hair was a beautiful, long and brown. She looked pretty young.

"Lexi, this is Michelle, and she will be the one to take your description of the ones who took Esther. I will be back in an hour." I walked over to the couch and sat down. "Hello Lexi, thank you for coming today. You can tell me what they looked like whenever you're ready."

"Thank you ma'am. I will do my best in describing them." I thought back to the mall and put myself back to that day. "One of them had black hair and brown eyes. His hair was a little long. His eyes had an evil glint in them. His smile was a smirk. I don't remember more on him. Sorry. Let me try to remember the other one." I kept thinking. It took me a bit, but then I finally remembered what he looked like. "The other one had the same features as the first. I think they are brothers since they had the same look. He actually looked like he could of been older and probably the leader of the two. I am sorry ma'am that is all I can remember." "That's all right Lexi. Is this what they looked like?" She handed me the notepad and I studied it intensively. These were the men. It looked exactly like them. "Yes ma'am, these drawings look exactly like them." "Okay, thank you Lexi. You can leave now." I got up and said my goodbyes to her and the officers then walked out of the station.

Lord please protect Esther from those men.

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