The store (3)

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The mall was thirty minutes away from my house and we had twenty minutes left till we got back to my house.

"Esther, Esther!" I was lost in thought when I heard Bella call for me. "Yes, Bella?" "Finally I have been calling you for like five minutes. So, what were you thinking about?" I doubt she had been calling me for five minutes. "I am sorry it took me so long to reply, and I was thinking about how we were twenty minutes away from my house. Which is now eighteen." " O, well that was boring to think about. So, did you have fun at the mall?" "Yes, I actually enjoyed myself. Mostly because I only had to try on one dress, and a pair of shoes instead of thousands." "Wow, you are boring!" "Ha, ha, Lexi." "No, I am serious." "Ya, I know."

Thirteen minutes, and I will be back at my house where I can relax and get off my feet.

"So, who wants music?" "I am down with it, Bella." Bella switched it to K-Love and it was one of my favorite songs, I can only Imagine by MercyMe. They have made a movie for the backstory of this song; however, I have never seen it. We all three started to sing along.

"I can only imagine when that day comes
When I find myself standing in the Son
I can only imagine when all I would do is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine."

The song finished when the car pulled into my driveway.

"Alright, bye love you guys." "Okay, bye girl. Love you." There we go again answering in unison (freaky).

Unlocking the front door, and going inside, I saw my mom sitting on the living room couch. "Hey sweetie. Did you have fun?" "Yes mom; it wasn't too bad."

"So mom, where is dad?" "O, he is in the bathroom, as usual." "Sounds about right. How long do you think it will be this time?" "Probably an hour." "Ya that's dad. Well I am going to my bedroom." "Alright honey. Love you!" "Love you too mom!"

I got to my door, and opened it to reveal my beautiful bed. Aww, just the thought of sleeping sounds good. I put the dress and flats in my closet, when I realized, crap, I can't wear a dress without straps! Well I guess sleep would have to wait.

I got downstairs. Yes! I didn't trip this time. Ha ha! One point for me!

"Hey Mom!" "Yes sweetie?" "I am going to take the car to get something to go over the dress because it doesn't have straps." "Okay honey see you later."

I grabbed the car keys from the hook, and picked up my satchel then walked outside. "Honk, honk." Time to take a drive.

I got to a little store called, "Jackets, Scarfs, and Vests." Such a casual name.

Walking over to the vests, I searched for something that would look good with the dress. I found red, pink, and white ones, but I didn't want to go with those colors. I decided that a silver vest would go best with the shoes.

I walked around for a bit. Mostly because I was getting sidetracked. Coming back over to the vests I saw something silver peek out.

Aww, there you are. Trying to hide from me. You silly thing. It was perfect. Just the silver to go with the shoes. Perfect size also.

I walked up to the cashier. She looked familiar. Rochelle?

"Hey, Rochelle. You work here too?" "Yes, I have two jobs that go back to back." "O, I am sorry that sounds really stressful." "It is, but I need the money. That will be three dollars. Do you want it bagged?" "Yes, please, and keep the change." "Have a blessed day, Rochelle."

Heading home, I turned on the radio. The song "My own little world" by Matthew West came on. This song sums up my life. I started singing along.

"What if there's a bigger picture
What if I'm missing out
What if there's a greater purpose
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world
Stopped at a red light, looked out my window
I saw a cardboard sign, said 'Help this homeless widow'
Just above this sign was the face of a human
I thought to myself, 'God, what have I been doing"

Just when the song came to an end, I pulled up to my driveway. I grabbed the bag and walked to the door. This time it was unlocked, and my parents were both sitting on the couch. "Hey mom. Hey Dad. I am going upstairs to sleep." "Okay love you!" "Love the both of you also!"

I walked to my room, and put the bag in my closet. Laying down, I fell asleep instantly.



I am so happy with the way this story is coming out so far. I know it's God giving me these ideas and helping me out.

Thank you for reading this story. 😀

Love you guys 😘😘😘

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