What happens now? (16)

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Esther POV: Tuesday night

"Why don't you kill her already, Darrien!" I was just sitting on my bed when I heard Damien say this. Once he said this, I came out of my reverie of my parents. "Damien, she will make us filthy rich!" I am starting to think they want me to hear this conversation. "No, she won't. If that were true, she would have everyone lined up to sleep with her, but no, there is no line of male waiting for her!" Damien has a point, if I was supposed to make them rich there would be a line already. I thank God for protecting me. "Okay I will make a deal with you! If she doesn't have anyone lined up by the end of this month we will kill her! I will even let you have the honors!" What? I have only three days. Well, this February has twenty-nine days, so I have only four days till I am a goner.

I know in four days there is not going to be a line of men waiting for me, so I started shaking. I have told them to just kill me but now I am scared. I want my liberty and I guess my liberty will be given to me once I am dead. Even though I was scared; I had peace surround me, and I knew God was going to protect me. With that in mind, I laid down on the bed; covered myself with the blankets, and fell asleep.

"Bang." I woke up screaming. I thought I heard something but it must have been in my sleep; maybe it was a firework or the backfire of a truck. O, I hope it wasn't a gunshot. I looked around the room. Nothing? Once I remembered what Darrien told Damien, I  looked at my body to make sure I wasn't bleeding. Nothing? Am I okay? Was that in my sleep?

Before I could lay back down, the door opened and police officers came in. I jumped right out of bed and confusion showed on my face. 

"Are you okay ma'am?" Yes, officer I am okay. How did you know where I was?" We got an anonymous call stating your address." Oh, did Ian tell them? 

"Come on, ma'am. You are safe now." "Thank you officer." Once I said this, I followed the officers out of the room. There were two officers that came to the room, but when we got outside there were five more officers, and Damien was on the ground with a bullet in his heart. His body was right in front of me, and I had mixed emotions with him dead. I am glad he is gone but at the same time, I wished that I could have helped him. I know that could have never happened. When he was alive, his eyes were dark. They say you can see a person's soul through the eyes; I never believed this until I saw Damien and Darrien. Looking into their eyes, a person knows how dark their soul is. 

"Ma'am?" "Oh, yes, officer?" "Are you ready to go home?" Hearing those words gave me life. "Yes, officer I am!" "Okay, we will get you home after a visit to the hospital." "Why do I have to go to a hospital?" "So, the doctors can have a look and make sure you're okay." 

Knowing I shouldn't question authority, I decided to follow the officers that came into the room. We got to a police car, and the officer on the right opened the door for me. "Thank you . . ." "It's Starck ma'am." "Thank you, officer Starck." I entered the backseat, and officer Starck shut the door. The officers got in the car and drove off.

I was going over of what happened and what I just saw. When I remembered I only saw Damien on the ground, I had to ask. "Officers, what happened to Darrien?" The officer on the passenger seat turned his head towards me and looked upset. "I am sorry ma'am. Darrien got away." Oh, no. What if he abducts me again. "Thank you for the honesty officer." "You're welcome ma'am. We will get to the hospital in a couple of hours, ma'am." I was that far from home. I probably should know where the brothers took me, but I really didn't want to know, so I decided not to ask. "Thank you for the update officer." The officer never said anything after that, and the ride back was silent.

It felt like hours passed, but I was not positive because I don't have a watch. "Officers, could you please tell me how much longer we have?" "Oh, yes ma'am we have an hour left." "Thank you officer Starck." These officers are nice.  They didn't even complain about me asking all kinds of questions. Meeting these police officers makes me want to become one myself. Thinking about all of these things made me more tired than I already was, so I put my head on the door and dozed off.

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