Epilogue (18)

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Esther's POV: One year later

"Ding, ding." I opened my eyes and looked at my phone. 10:30, well I guess it's time for work.

Getting out of bed, I went to my dresser and grabbed a t-shirt and then some jeans. I put the clothing on then put some socks and boots on. The shirt I grabbed is my favorite; the shirt had a dove on the front and the verse on the back was "And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased'" Matthew 3:17.

I looked into the mirror that was hanging on my door. Without even trying to, I noticed the tattoo on my arm. After a month of the abduction, I went to a tattoo shop and had them change the tattoo into Greek letters of John 1:12 that I am a "Child of God." It was nice that they were able fix it.

Taking a glance at my phone, I noticed the time being 10:45. Before going to work, I go to Tea Time to get sweet tea for the day. Their tea is the best in all of Johnston. I moved to Johnston six months ago to start afresh. After getting abducted, I had trouble with sleeping and going place to place, so I moved and it helped me more with life. I am young to be on my own, but my parents agreed on the fact that I should go and be alone. I miss them but it is good and I didn't want them to quit their jobs for me.

I got out of my little apartment and headed to my green Toyota car. Getting in the car, I turned it on and buckled up. Backing out of the driveway that I am in, I headed straight for Tea Time.

I got to my destination in ten minutes. Walking up to the cashier to order my sweet tea, I accidentally bumped into someone. I don't even know how I never saw him in front of me. "Oh, I am sorry sir. I wasn't looking." He turned around and he didn't look familiar. "It's okay ma'am. Nice to meet you. My name is Joseph." He gave his hand out and I took it to shake it. "Nice to meet you Joseph. I am Esther." He had a handsome smile on his face that made me know that he is a gentleman. His golden brown hair went a little over his eyes, and he had beautiful hazel eyes. After I got my sweet tea, Joseph gave me his number and I gave him mine. A year later the handsome guy  became my husband.

The End


Hey 😀 thank you guys for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it.

I know it is probably not totally accurate with Esther being kidnapped and all because she has sarcasm in her mind, but then again everyone will be different during a time like that and I made my character be sarcastic along with her knowing that God will take care of her.

If you want to know more about human trafficking there are movies about it. Priceless and Caged no More are some good and sad movies I have seen about human trafficking.

P.S. Human trafficking does not just happen with girls, there are some boys out there that are being sex trafficked. Please pray for those out there in these kind of situations, and if you can help them out.

Love you guys 😍😘

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