Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since I've seen Glaiza but only two seconds since the last time I've thought about her. She seems to work just as much as Paul does and while it's nice to have the place to myself occasionally, it's also nice when Paul isn't working. He would come over to my place and stay the night. But today's different.

"She's off until Monday." Paul said, I had no idea he'd invited Glaiza to come back home with us for Thanksgiving until just now. He's knocking on her apartment door.

"She doesn't have anything else to do." I'm pretty sure I nod after hearing those words but I turn and walk straight towards the car. I'm afraid that when she opens her door, my excitement over the fact that she's coming with us will be transparent.

I stood beside the car in silence, looking down. Something strange is going on in my chest. A flutter, flutter kind of thing. I hate it, because I know what it means. It means my body is really starting to like Glaiza. I just hope my brain never catches up.

When I looked up, I watched her step out of her doorway. As they walked towards the car, I try not to stare at her, but it's extremely difficult to focus on anything else. She's casually dressed in a Ramones crop top. A black distressed jeans and a pair of Chuck Taylors. I think that's why I find her hard to look away from, though, because I've always found girls more attractive when they put less effort into trying to appear attractive.

When they reached the car, my eyes left her clothes and met her concentrated stare. I don't know whether to smile or look away so I just climb into the backseat and try to figure out where I sit.

"I'll drive there if you want." She said to Paul. "I know you haven't slept yet. You can drive back tomorrow." I heard Paul agreed and saw Glaiza opened the driver's side door. Now, I don't know if I should sit directly behind her, in the middle or behind Paul. Anywhere I sit, I'll feel her. She's everywhere.

Everything is Glaiza.

That's how it is when a person develops an attraction towards someone. She's nowhere, then suddenly she's everywhere, whether you want her to be or not.

It makes me wonder if I'm anywhere to her. But I need to figure out how to stop whatever this is I feel when I'm around her. The last thing I want right now is a silly crush on a straight girl who I barely even know.

I pulled a paperback out of my bag and began to read. Glaiza turned on the radio and Paul laid his seat back and feet up on the dash.

"Don't wake me up until we're there." He said, pulling his cap over his eyes.

I glanced at Glaiza and she's adjusting the rearview mirror. She turned around and looked behind us to back out of the spot and her eyes briefly met mine.

"You comfortable?" She asked and turned around before getting my answer. She put the car in drive then glanced at me in the rearview mirror.

"Yes." I said. I made sure to tack a smile onto the end of the word. I don't want her to think I'm upset that she came but it's hard for me not to appear closed off when I'm around her, since I'm trying so hard to be.

She looked straight ahead and I looked back down at my book.

Thirty minutes passed and the movement of the car accompanied by my attempt to read is making my head hurt. I set the book down beside me and readjust myself in the backseat. I leaned my head back and propped my feet up on the console between her and Paul. She glanced at me in the rearview mirror and her eyes felt like they're hands, running over every inch of me. She held her stare for no longer than two seconds, then looked back at the road.

There's something different about her today. She's not her usual self and no expression at all.

I have no idea what's going through her head. She never smile like she used to before. She never laugh and she doesn't flirt like she always do. She's quiet and I hate quiet Glaiza.

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