Chapter 6

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"You sure this is okay?" She asked, searching my eyes for doubt.

We're alone in the hallway after we walked out of the kitchen without touching. She took a step forwand and stole another kiss. My back met my bedroom door but she's somehow able to pulled her mouth away.

I don't know if this is okay. It feels good, and she tasted good, and I can't think of anything I want more than being with her. However, the look behind those mysterious eyes are what I'm concerned about.

"You worry too much." I said with a forced smile. "Would it help if we had rules?"

She studied me quietly before taking a step back. "It might." She said. "I can only think of two right now."

"What are they?"

Her eyes focused on mine for several seconds. "Don't ask about my past." She said firmly. "And never expect a future."

I absolutely don't like either of those rules. They both make me want to change my mind about this arrangement and turn and run away, but instead, I'm nodding. I'm nodding because I'll take what I can get. I'm not Rhian when I'm near Glaiza. I'm liquid and liquid doesn't know how to be firm or stand up for itself. Liquid flows. That's all I want to do with Glaiza.


"Well, I only have one rule." I said quietly. She waited for my rule. I can't think of a rule. I don't have any rules. Why don't I have rules? She's still waiting. "I don't know what it is yet. But when I think of it, you have to follow it."

Glaiza laughed. She leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead, then walked towards her room. She opened the door but glanced back at me for a brief second before disappearing into the room.

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure the expression I just saw on her face was fear. I just wish I knew what she was scared of, because God knows I know exactly what I'm afraid of.

I'm afraid of how this is going to end.


"I have to pee."

Paul groaned. "Again?"

"I haven't been in two hours." I said, defensively.

I really don't have to use the bathroom, but I do need to get out of this car. After the conversation I had with Glaiza last night, the car felt different with her in it. It felt like there's more of her and every minute that passed and she's not talking, I'm wondering if she regrets our conversation. I'm wondering if she's going to pretend it never happened.

I wish my dad would have pretended it never happened. Before we left this morning, I was seated at the kitchen table with him when Glaiza walked in.

"Sleep well, Glai?" He asked as Glaiza took a seat at the table.

I thought she was going to flush with embarrassment, but instead, she regarded my dad with a shake of her head. "Not too well," Glaiza replied. "Your son talks in his sleep."

My father picked up his glass and lifted it in Glaiza's direction. "Good to know you were in the room with Paul last night."

Luckily, Paul had yet to sit down and hear that comment from my father. Glaiza was quiet through the rest of breakfast and the only time I noticed her speaking after that was when Paul and I were both in the car. Glaiza stepped over to my father and shook his hand, saying something that only my father could hear. I tried to read my father's expression, but he kept a tight lid on it. My father is almost as good at hiding his thoughts as Glaiza is.

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