Chapter 13

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I miss you so much, Glaiza.

Thoughts like that are why I'm drowning my sorrows in chocolate. It's been three weeks since she brought me home. It's been three weeks since I've laid eyes on her. Christmas came and went but I barely noticed because I worked through it. Two Thursday game nights that Glaiza didn't show up to. New Year's came and went.

And Rhian still missed Glaiza.

I took my chocolate chips and my chocolate milk and walked to the kitchen to hide them from the person knocking at my apartment door.

I already know it's not Glaiza because the knock at my door belongs to Jason and Bianca. Instead of drinking myself to death, I invited Bianca to come over and watch movies with me, forgetting her abhorrence of films. She asked if she could bring Jason and I agree without thinking it through.

Which is why they're knocking on my door right now.

I opened it and Jason is standing in the doorway without Bianca.

"Where's B?"

"She got called in to cover s shift." He said. "She can't make it tonight."

I hold the door further open to let him in. As soon as he stepped over the threshold, I heard the elevator door opened, a woman standing inside. It was Glaiza.

She freezed when our eyes met.

She held me captive with her stare for several seconds until her gaze slid over me and landed on Jason.

I glanced at Jason, who looked at me and arched an eyebrow. He can apparently tell something is up so he respectfully retreated into my condo. "I'll be in your room, Rhi." He said.

That's nice of Jason, offering to give me privacy with the woman at the end of the hallway. However, announcing the he'll be waiting in my bedroom probably wasn't respect Glaiza wanted to know because now she's stepping back inside the elevator.

Her eyes dropped to the floor right before the door closes.

The look on her face sent pangs of guilt straight to my stomach. I have to remind myself that this was her choice. I have nothing to feel guilty about even if she is misjudging the situation.

I closed the front door and joined Jason in my room. The silent pep talk I tried to give myself did nothing to ease the guilt. I sat on the bed and he sat at the floor. "That was weird." He said, eyeing me. "I'm a little scared to leave your apartment now."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about Glaiza. She has issues but they aren't my issues anymore."

Jason nodded and doesn't question me any further.

"Want to watch Pulp Fiction? I heard it's awesome."

"Okay." I said. I scoot back against my pillow and spent the next hour watching the movie but I have no idea how I manage to concentrate because the only thing I can think about is the look that crossed Glaiza's face right before I closed the door. I could tell I hurt her.

That makes us even now, I guess.


Once we're finished, I walked Jason back out. I can tell he's a little bit nervous after having seen the look on Glaiza's face earlier so I waited for him to get on the elevator before I closed the apartment door. To be honest, I was a little nervous for him, too.

I walked to the kitchen and began making a plate of leftovers. There's no point in cooking, since Paul won't be coming over until late tonight. Before I'm finished adding food to my plate, the front door opened with a knock.

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