Chapter 10

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Can you keep me high, high love

You break me

The pull is stronger than the push

You break me


It's Thursday.
Game night.
Normally the sound of their Thursday-night game gets under my skin. Paul would normally ask me to cook for them and I would be forced to spend the night in his apartment. Tonight it's music to my ears, knowing that Glaiza should be home. I have no idea what to expect from her or this arrangement we've got going on. I haven't texted or spoken to her in the five days since she's been gone.

I know that with as much as I'm thinking about her, I shouldn't be doing this. For something that's supposed to be a casual thing, it's felt anything but casual. For me, it's been extremely involved. Intense, even. She's pretty much all I've thought about since that night in the rain, and it's quite pathetic that I'm reaching for the doorknob to walk inside Paul's apartment and my damn hand is shaking, knowing she might be in there.

I open the door to the apartment and Paul is the first to look up. He nodded but doesn't even say hi. Nico waved from his seat on the couch then looked back at the TV.

David's eyes roamed up and down my body and I do what I can to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

Glaiza doesn't do anything, because Glaiza isn't here.

My whole body sighed from disappointment. I dropped my purse onto the empty chair in the living room and tell myself it's a good thing she isn't here because I've got way too much paperwork to do anyway.

"Food's ready in the fridge." Paul said

"Nice." I walked into the kitchen and open the cabinet to get a knife. I heard footsteps closing in on me and my heart rate kicks up a notch.

A hand touched me on my lower back and I immediately smile and turn around to face Glaiza.

Only it isn't Glaiza. It's David.

"Hey, Rhi." He said, reaching around me to the cabinet. The hand that first touched my lower back is still on me but now that I've turned to face him, his hand has slid to my waist. He kept his eyes locked with mine as he reached past me and opened the cabinet. "Just need a cup for my beer." He said, excusing the fact that he's right here. Touching me. His face only inched from my face.

I hate that he saw me smiling when I turned around. I just gave him the wrong idea.

"Well, you won't find a cup on my butt." I said, pushing his hand off of me. I looked away from David just as Glaiza stepped into the kitchen. Her eyes are burning holes into the part of me that David was just touching.

Glaiza saw David's hand on me.

Glaiza is looking at David now as if he just committed murder.

"Since when do you drink beer from a cup?" Glaiza said.

David turned around and looked at Glaiza then glanced back to me and smiled a very blatant, flirtatious smile. "Since Rhian was standing so close to the cabinet."

Shit. He's not even hiding it. He thinks I'm into him.

Glaiza walked to the refrigerator and opened it. "So David. How's your wife?"

Glaiza doesn't make an attempt to remove anything. She's just standing there, staring into the refrigerator, with her fingers gripping the door handle harder than it's ever been gripped, I'm sure.

David is still looking at me, staring down at me. "She's at work." He said pointedly. "For at least four more hours."

Glaiza slammed the refrigerator and took two quick steps towards David. David stood up straight and I immediately scoot two feet away from him. "Paul specifically instructed you to keep your hands off his sister. Show him some fucking respect!"

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