Chapter 11

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Six years earlier

I opened the door to the administration office and walked the roll sheet to the secretary's desk. Before I turned and head back to class, she stopped me with a question. "You're in Mr. Clayton's senior English class, aren't you, Glaiza?"

"Yep." I replied to Mrs. Borden. "Need me to take something to him?"

The phone on her desk rang and she nodded, picking up the receiver. She covered it with her hand. "Wait around another minute or two." She said, nodding her head in the direction of the principal's office.

"We've got a new student who just enrolled and she also has Mr. Clayton this period. I need you to show her to the classroom."

I agree and plopped down into one of the chairs next to the door. I looked around the administration office and realized this is the first time in the four years I've been in high school that I've ever sat in one of these seats. Which means I've successfully made it four years without being sent to the office.

My mother would have been proud to know that, although it leaves me kind of disappointed in myself. Detention is something every person in high school should accomplish at least once. I have the rest of my senior year to achieve it though so there's that to look forward to.

I retrieved my phone from my pocket, secretly hoping Mrs. Borden saw me with it and decided to slap me with a detention slip. When I looked up at her, she's still on the phone but she made eye contact with me. She simply smiled and goes about her secretarial duties.

I shook my head in disappointment and opened up a text to Nico. It doesn't take much to excite people around here. Nothing new ever happened.

Me: New girl enrolled today. Senior.

Nico: Is she hot?

Me: Haven't seen her yet. About to walk her to class.

Nico: Take a picture if she's hot.

Me: Will do. BTW, how many times have you had detention this year?

Nico: Twice. Why? What'd you do?

Twice? Yeah, I need to rebel it up a little before graduation. I should definitely turn in some homework late this year.

I'm pathetic.

The door to the principal's office opened so I closed my phone. I slid it into my pocket and looked up.

I never want to look down again.

"Glaiza is going to show you the way to Mr. Clayton's class, Solenn." Mrs. Borden pointed Solenn in my direction and she began to walked towards me.

I instantly became aware of my legs and their inability to stand.

My mouth forgot how to speak.

My arms forgot how to reach out to introduce the person they're attached to.

My heart forgot to wait and get to know a girl before it starts to claw its way out of my chest to get to her.



Solenn. Solenn. Solenn.

She's like poetry.

Like prose and love letters and lyrics, cascading down the center of a page.

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