Chapter 9

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Paul: Want to grab dinner? What time do you get off work?

Me: Ten minutes. Where at?

Paul: We're nearby. We'll just meet you out front.


I can't ignore the excitement that just flooded me with that text. Surely the we means him and Glaiza. I can't think of anyone else who would be coming with him and I know Glaiza came home last night.

I finished up the last of my paperwork then made a stop in the restroom to check my hair (I hate that I care) before heading outside to meet them.

The three of them are standing near the entrance when I walked outside. Nico smiled when he saw me since he's the only one facing me. Paul spins around when I reached them.

"Ready? We're going to Jack's."

They're quite the team. All good looking in their own ways but even more so when they're sporting their pilot jackets and walking in a group like this. I can't deny I feel somewhat underdressed, walking next to them in my scrubs.

"Let's do it." I said. "I'm starving."

I glanced at Glaiza and she gave me the slightest nod but no smile. Her hands are planted firmly in the pockets of her jacket and she looked away as we all began walking. She stayed a step ahead of me the entire time so I walked next to Paul.

"What's the occasion?" I asked as we head towards the restaurant. "Are we celebrating the fact that all three of you are off on the same night?"

A silent conversation passed around me. Nico looks at Glaiza. Paul looks at Nico. Glaiza looks at no one. She kept her eyes forward, focused on the sidewalk ahead of us.

"Remember when we were kids and Mom and Dad took us to La Caprese?" Paul asked.

I remember that night. I've never seen my parents happier. I couldn't have been older than five or six but it's one of the few memories I have from that young an age. It was the day my father made captain with his airline.

I stopped in my tracks and immediately looked at Paul. "You made captain? You can't get captain. You're too young." I knew for a fact how hard it is to made captain and how many hours a pilot has to put in to be considered. Most pilots in their twenties are copilots.

Paul shook his head. "I didn't get captain. I've changed airlines too much." He cut his eyes to Glaiza. "But Miss Sign Me Up for More Hours over here got a nice little promotion today. Broke the company record."

I looked at Glaiza and she's shaking her head at Paul. I can tell she's embarrassed that Paul just called her out but her modesty is just one more thing I find appealing about her.

"It's not a big deal." Glaiza said. "It's a regional airline. Not many people to promote."

Nico shook his head. "I didn't get promoted. Paul didn't get promoted. You've been at this a year less than any of us, not to mention the fact that you're only twenty-eight." He spun around and walked backward, facing all the three of us.

"Abandon the modesty for once. Rub it on our faces a little. We'd do it to you if the roles were reversed."

I don't know how long they've been friends but I like Nico. I can tell he and Glaiza are close because Nico is genuinely proud of her and not at all jealous. I like that these are Paul's friends. It made me happy for Paul that he has this support. I've always pictured him living here, working too much, spending all his time alone and away from home. I don't know why though. Our father was a pilot and he was home a fair amount of time so I shouldn't have misconception when it comes to Paul's life as a pilot.

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