Chapter 17

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Flora's POV
There was a brief silence before noise erupted across the room, a collage of 'hello' and, 'nice too meet you' filled my ears; I took this time to study the boy in front of me- he was fairly tall, with short dirty blond/ brown hair and hazel eyes. I was jolted back into reality by the sound of my name beating repeatedly called-
'Flora, Mike was talking to you.' Tee whispered.

"Sorry, I was in my own world." I apologised.

"I was just wondering if you could give Ryan here a tour, it's the newest member who usually does it- and therefore, it's all yours." Mike exclaimed.

"Yes, that's fine," I said, smiling, whilst walking towards the oak door. "Follow me."

As I left Elmtree house, I took a right and headed towards the garden.
"So, as you know I'm Flora- I've been here for a while know, and I promise you... it's not as bad as you think, everyone is really nice!" I ramble, twiddling my fingers- not really knowing what I'm supposed to be doing.

All I receive is a short nod in return before we continue walking in silence, after a while- he breaks it-

"So, who lives here?"
In reply to his question, I list all of the residents that live here, giving him a short back story on each of them. We walk towards the bench and have a long conversation about ourselves, just getting to know each other. Standing up to leave, we head towards the front door, I quickly pause, before resuming my explanation.

"There's my best friend Tee, she's so lovely- you'll really like her. And then there is her Brother Johnny." I say, whilst walking towards the living room; as I turn the corner I am faced with Johnny himself, dressed in his running gear. I turn to Ryan-

"Speak of the devil, Johnny- this is Ryan, Ryan- Johnny" I introduce them, taking a step back and grinning.

"Nice to meet you, but I've got to go- I need to train," Johnny apologised, "but make sure to find me later."

"Okay, I will. See you soon." Ryan replied. Before Johnny could walk off, I spoke,

"Wait, Johnny- can I come?" I question.
After throwing a puzzled look in my direction, Johnny finally speaks up-

"Flo, are you sure you want to? You know what happened last time."

Running my hands through my hair, I complain- "But Johnny, I can't stay inside forever... I really miss running, and I'll have you with me this time!"
I pull the most innocent face I can, whilst working my puppy eyes.

Ryan just stands there watching this conversation occur, a small smirk plastered on his face- realising what I am doing, after a long, stressed sigh- Johnny gives in,

"Okay, but be quick- it'll get dark soon." I apologise to Ryan before bolting up the stairs, running into my room and shutting the door.

I finally get to go running again.

After quickly changing my outfit and redoing my hair, I dash back downstairs to meet Johnny- he smiles when he sees me.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yes, just give me a second," I reply, whilst tightening my shoe lace. We call goodbye to Mike, before leaving out of the front door, closing it gently.

Ryan's POVI watched as Flora and Johnny left out of the front door, I don't know what is going on between them, but I intend to find out

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Ryan's POV
I watched as Flora and Johnny left out of the front door, I don't know what is going on between them, but I intend to find out. Feeling curious, I try to recall the way to the living room- after a few wrong turns, I find it; all heads turn toward me as I walk to the sofa and sit down.
A few minutes pass, and I remain on the chair- watching whatever show is on the television, when a girl walks in, asking where Flora is. My head perks up at her name and I swiftly follow the girl as she exits the room- up the stairs and pauses at the top.

"Excuse me." I exclaim. The girl turns her head around and stares at me for a brief moment.

"Ryan right? I'm Tee, How can I help?" She asks. Remembering my conversation earlier, I recollect that Tee is Flora's best friend and Johnny's sister. She'll know what's going on, right?

"Well... um... I was just wondering if you know what's going on between Flora and Johnny?" I say, which each word, my voice becoming quieter.

At my words, her nonchalant face morphs into a smirk-

"Oh, nothing- they're just friends," she replies, before turning around.

Subconsciously, my mouth forms a small smile and I feel very content.
As I turn to leave, another sentence rips that smile off of my face.

"But Johnny definitely has a crush on her."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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