Chapter 3

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The principals office was really cold, it gave me the chills just sitting there waiting to be called back. This wasn't the first time I have been in a principals office before. Just the first time on a first day in a first class. Back home everyone knew me, they also knew about my father. They knew why I acted how I did. This place, no one knew about me or my father.

"so, what did you do?" I jumped. I was so into my own mind and past that I hadn't noticed someone sit beside me. I looked over and noticed a dirty blonde haired boy with baby blue eyes. He was very cute to say the least.

"I apparently got smart with a teacher." I laughed. The boy held out his hand.

"I'm Jake"

"veronica" I said while taking his hand. He seemed sweet, what was he doing in here.

"So your here for?" I asked. He didn't seem like the bad boy type. no he was much more a nice kid at the wrong place and wrong time.

"got in a fight" Hmm maybe I was wrong, but that would depend on who he got in a fight with and why. I didn't get the chance to ask him, as the principal came out and called him back. I sighed. Hadn't I been sitting here before him? So why did he get to go first. I detected a hint of jealousy in my own thoughts.

Maybe I needed to up my game so I was sure to be the one that got called back into the principals office first.

"veronica" The boy, Jake walked out giving me a small smile before exiting the office. I returned the smile and walked back into the principals office.

I sat down on a red leather couch. I found it strange that the principal had a couch in his office.

"do you know why your here?" The principal asked. He was balled with squinty eyes. not very attractive at all. I use to fantasize about principals being sexy and having love affairs with students. weird I know.

"what are you, a cop?" I asked. It was a good question if you asked me. he gave me a warning look and It said 'cut the crap'

"Veronica. You will be recieving detention tomorrow." I groaned. he wasn't serious was he?

"but tomorrows saturday" I whined.

"tomorrow at five, now go home" Damn.


I most definitely couldn't go home right away. My father would know that something was up. Time to explore.

I decided to go for a run in the dark forest. It was a bit chilly today but I didn't mind the cold. My wolfs fur would keep me warm and aside from that my body ran hot anyways.

I shifted into my wolf form and stretched. It felt so good to finally shift. My wolf had been kept isolated for far too long. My father hardly ever let me shift. It was torture. He knew it was one way to hurt me without causing physical violence.

My wolf absolutely hated our father and I happened to agree with her. I ran through the forest with lightning speed. My wolf howled in excitement.

All of a sudden I was being shoved up against a tree. I knew who it was so I shifted back.

My father slapped me across the face so hard I fell over. My father was never one for words. "I told you to never change into you wolf, you disobeyed me!" My father shouted.

"shift again and I will kill you!" my father yelled at me and then stomped off.

I glared at him. That was so gonna leave a bruise. I could feel the tears threatening to spill. No. I had to be stronger than this. It was the first time my father had actually hit me though. I deserved it. He did tell me not to shift.

Karma is a Bitch and one of these days he's gonna get what he has coming to him. my wolf thought.

I guess it was okay to go home now then. I was hungry anyways and couldn't even have lunch at school. Hopefully my father went back to work.

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