chapter 14

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Logan's pov

This could not be happening. Veronica could not be my mate. I was in my bedroom pacing back and fourth, back and fourth. I had been doing this for the past hour. The fates must really be testing me. They were joking right? She couldn't be my mate. Granted I didn't know a whole lot about her, but I knew I didn't like her attitude or the way she has to know everyone's secrets and goes about it all the wrong ways instead of just coming out and asking someone. She was stubborn, and cocky. All the things I hate. This was just some sick and twisted test, she couldn't be my mate. She just couldn't be.

Sure, I was in denial. But who wouldn't be? She is going to find out that we are mates when she wakes up and I just couldn't bring myself to stick around for that. I needed to go talk to my best friend. Perhaps sort everything out. After all. I did have options right?

I woke up to the sun nearly blinding me. I groaned. pulling the covers over my eyes I tried my best to get back to sleep, but it was of no use. When I'm up, I'm up. I reached into my back pocket and grabbed my cell phone. 'i'm coming over' I texted Max.

Everything I owned was in my room, Logan must have done that while I was still handcuffed to his bed.

I hopped out of bed and threw a black silky dress on that had a pink flower in the center along with a rainbow colored wolf howling at the flower like it were the moon. I put on some black boots and headed out the door.

The smell of rain hit me as I exited the mansion. It must have stormed last night. Too bad I missed it. I love storms, they were quite soothing.

I was about to knock on Max's door when she opened it I about fell through because all my weight was against the door. I managed to balance myself.

Max laughed and me and I smiled at her. "hello, stranger I haven't heard from you in a while I thought something might have happened to you" Max said while ushering me inside. I ran up to her room and jumped on her bed.

"something did happen to me. Ugh. how do all of my well laid plans always fail?" I groaned, shoving one of her pillows over my head and screaming into it.

"that bad huh. Did you get into a lot of trouble?" Max asked me curiously, yet she didn't act worried at all. some friend she was.

"he handcuffed me to his bed" I said through gritted teeth.

"kinky" I rolled my eyes at her remark and through the pillow I was shoving into my face at her head but she managed to doge it laughing.

"no, horrible. He lives to ruin my life" I mumbled. I sat up in the bed and she sat down beside me.

"really, because technically it's your fault" I gave her my award winning evil look.

"way to make me feel better, Max thanks a bunch" She reached out and touched my arm soothingly.

"you'll get him next time Tiger" she smiled at me.

"That's Mrs. Tiger to you"

I wouldn't admit it to her but I was most definitely running out of plans. Which is weird considering I hardly ever run out of plans. My plans generally ran all the through the entire alphabet.

"I have an Idea, but I don't know if you'd be into it or if he'd even fall for it." Max said while looking at the floor. I could have sworn I seen a tinge of redness to her plum cheeks. Was she blushing?

"spill it" I said. this Idea of hers must be pretty good if it's making her blush. Or was it something naughty like sleeping with the enemy. 'cause That would be pretty rad if that was her idea. After all, who can really resist me. I admit I was pretty hot.

"what if you try to seduce him?" Max offered. Ha I knew it had to be something involving sex. It could possibly work. I mean you don't sleep with me and not fall for me.

"I like the way you think, Max"

"Oh happy birthday by the way, I got you a little something"

Max reached underneath her bed and pulled out a small box. She handed it to me and I swear if I were the emotional type I probably would have teared up. instead I just put on my best smile and tore at the wrapping paper until I uncovered what was inside.

"a friendship ring?" I smiled and quickly put it on.

"it's not just a friendship ring." Max said. I looking at it on my finger. It was a gold ring with a black wolf and a white wolf howling at a diamond in the center. "It's a Valentinus ring"

Oh wow. A Valentinus ring was one of the most ancient artifacts in the werewolf community. It's a simple of 'mate' commonly known to humans as true love or soulmates. this ring gives off the ability to find your mate fast and makes it extreamly hard for your mate to reject you.

It was a very rare artifact, they hardly made them anymore. Witches in the past made them so that werewolves would stop rejecting their mates.

"this is the best gift I have ever got before" I said while embracing Max into a hug.

"so I take it you like it?" Max asked.

"I love it"

Logan pov

I was at my Beta's house pacing back and fourth in his living room.

"think rationally, Logan" he said in a calm voice. I growled at him.

"if you tell me to think rationally one more time, I am going to bite your head off!" I yelled. I didn't mean to take out my anger on him but to be fair. He didn't know what I was going through. I need to reject her that's what I need to do. All of a sudden I had this sharp pain in my heart everytime the thought of rejecting her came to my brain.

"Have you tried talking to her about it?" He asked, still in a calm voice. It made me mad that he could be so calm when I was freaking the hell out.

"no, she doesn't even know yet. I couldn't... I just left before she woke up" I grumbled pacing back and fourth in front of the roaring fire place.

"Look man, if you reject her, your wolf will never forgive you"

"you don't think I know that?" I snapped.

He didn't know how easy he had it. He hadn't found his mate. He wasn't even trying, but for someone like me. I have been waiting to find my mate for years. I haven't even slept with anyone, My virginity was still intact, although I won't admit that to anyone. I was saving it for my mate.

why did the fates have to be so cruel. I secretly wanted my life back to before when I was still searching for my mate and didn't know who she was.

I will find a way out of this, if it's the last thing I do.

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