Chapter five

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I sat down on the grass, about three feet away from the roaring fire. I knew everyone would find out eventually that my dad was, how do I put it. Rough around the edges. But they will not find out from me. I've been down that path before with my other pack. They asked questions and I told them about not being allowed to shift. They called it child abuse but you couldn't exactly report that to the human cops. So there was really nothing they could have done about it. I wasn't scared of my father necessarily. I was just annoyed with him mainly.

"Why do you do that?" Max asked sitting beside me in the grass. I tried to tune her out but she touched my arm as a way to get my attention.

"do what?" act dumb. She'll buy it.

"push people away"

ah. She saw that did she.

"It's just Logan he acts all tough and then acts like he wants to get to know me. I know better than that. He just wants to know all of my dirty little secrets." Was I wrong? I think not. I knew guys like that. Alpha's were all the same no matter how many times they all tried to prove they were better.

Max gazed into the fire like she was trying to put it out with her mind. What was going through that pretty little head of hers?

"Logan.... he puts on a front to hide the pain and that's all I'm going to say." hmm. Looks like I wasn't the only one with secrets. What could Alpha Logan possibly be hiding. I thought all Alpha's were like an open book. He probably slept around a lot.

"Okay max. This shall be fun" That seemed to get Max's attention. I had her perfect attention.

"what? no. Veronica, He will be furious if go asking around about him"

"who said anything about asking?" It was like she could see the wheels turning inside my head.

"We will dicuss this more tomorrow. Right now I feel like dancing." I grabbed Max's hand and pulled her up as we headed to the center of the crowd. I absolutely love this song.

We dirty danced together and I swear I felt several eyes on me and one pair of eyes that caught my attention. Logan. I'm gonna find out what your hiding boy. I won't give up til I do.

I started freaking out when I realized I was a couple minutes past curfew and it was about 5 miles down the road. Thank god for werewolf speed.

When I got through the door of my house my father was sitting at the kitchen table, eyes staring straight at the door expectantly, his belt in hand.

"Look I can totally explain" I said with my hands up in a defense position.

"come here, veronica" I walked forward and my father smacked me so hard across my face with the belt.

The blackness took hold of me and that was the last thing I remembered.

I woke up in my bed. My face swollen and bruised.

I got up and looked in the mirror. "oh god" I gulped in a huge breath of air. That was a whole lot of black and purple on my very white skin. It angered me as I reaccounted the events of last night. Thank god for make up.

Maybe I should really start listening to my father more. Nah. he could suck it. I'll take the beatings as long as my pride was intact.

I called up Max and told her to meet me at the Cafe at four. There wasn't a lot of time to explain my plan to her considering I had detention.

The cafe was pretty much empty. That was a good thing. I couldn't afford too many people over hearing our conversation. Max showed up about twenty minutes after I had arrived. She didn't look too pleasant either. Did she not sleep last night?

"so what is your devious plan?" My jaw dropped and I placed my hand over my chest like I was baffled she would think someone like me could come up with a devious plan.

"okay, I'm going to break into Logan's office, check out his files, see if he has some secret diary hidden anywhere and find out as much as I can about him." Max's jaw dropped and she looked hesitant.

"I don't know veronica, we could get into so much trouble for this." she said, biting her lip nervously.

"Oh I forgot to mention, you'll be guarding the door making sure no one comes."

she rolled her eyes. It was a plan, and a good one at that... well as long as we didn't get caught.

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