Chapter 13

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I had fallen asleep. The radio still torturing my ears but I managed to block it out and get some rest. I felt warm and safe as I lay in my dream world. I was a princess of all of the werewolves and I told them to all bow down to me. Then I seen Ke$ha in the crowd. She smiled up at me as I stood on a platform and she bowed her head in respect all of a sudden she threw a mic at me and said "sing this song, for it is your future" I had no clue what she was talking about.

Someone hit a button on a stereo behind me and music started coming out of the speakers and I knew every single word like it was my whole life. None of it even made a tiny bit of sense. I began to sing anyways because I wanted to see what Ke$ha meant. It's not til I sung the courus that I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomache.

"They say that true love hurts, well this could almost kill me. Young, love, murder that is what this must be. I would give it all to not be sleeping alone.. alone.. The life is fading from me while you watch my heart bleed. Young love murder that is what this must be. I would give it all to not be sleeping alone, alone."

"Veronica!" Ke$ha yelled. Why was she yelling at me. Did I sound horrible. Oh god I bet I did. Hey I never said I could sing.

"Veronica wake up" She yelled again. NOOOO!

Suddenly I was being shaken and my wrist ached to be set free. I opened my eyes to see Logan on top of me. What a buzz kill.

"WHAT!" I screamed. I really pissed me off. I mean handcuffing me to the bed was one thing but ruining my only moment with ke$ha was really unexceptable.

"God you sleep like a dead person" he snickered.

"get the fuck off of me." I groaned while closing my eyes trying to get back to that place but it was impossible. I'll never get that moment in heaven back. I could have been an angel you know. but noo god had to make me a werewolf.

Logan growled and I opened my eyes. Seriously my birthday is tomorrow and I can't even have some sleep before I find my mate. I mean I need to rest up. I'm sure When, or if I find my mate. I won't get anymore sleep if you know what I mean.

"Do you want uncuffed or not?" Logan seethed.

"you idiot. You woke me up for that? If I were a cop I would totally have you arrested." I pouted my lip. Hmm. I would make a kick ass sheriff. Maybe that was my true calling. Only I would lock up the boring people and let the fun people roam freely.

Logan grabbed the key out of his pocket and uncuffed me. My arm landed limply at my side. Man, He is so going to pay for that. I shoved Logan off of me and ran at the door, Logan got to his feet and started chasing me down the long hallway and down the spiral stairs that lead to the living room. I was almost to the window when I was suddenly being shoved down onto the floor, with Mr. Alpha breathing heavily on my neck, sending chills down my spine.

"awe what's the matter? Mr. Alpha can't catch up with Little ole me?" I smiled at him and he growled.

"Veronica, Your living here, in the mansion with me." Yeah right. Thats what he thinks. I'd rather fall into an ocean with sharks at my tail than live with a jack ass like him.

I cracked up laughing my ass off. "over my dead body" I finally said.

"that can be arranged" the Alpha said with a challenge in the depth of his voice. Oh it's so on Mr. Alpha you just don't know who you are dealing with.

"get off me" I shoved at his chest but he wouldn't move. This boy was more like a statue.

Finally he rolled off of me while grabbing my arm and pulling me up with him.

"I'll show you to your room and then you can continue with your.. . sleep" I groaned but followed him into a dark hallway as he opened a bright pink door. Well this was certainly going to be a long night.


Logan's pov

She was pushing every single button I had. She was clearly getting under my skin.

There was just something about her that keeps putting me over the edge. I usually was a better judge of character but I had no idea why I was letting her live here rather than with her friend Max or one of the Adults. She was clearly a lot to handle. I can do it though. I will most definitely put her in her place. She just needs dicipline and someone who can dish it out without causing her physical pain.

By the time i'm done with her she will be nothing but a respectful she-wolf. I will make sure of that.

I needed to go for a run and get away from... just clear my head.

It was getting dark out as I shifted into my wolf form. My wolf was a midnight black which made it easy to hunt at night. The grass was soft against my paws and the wind was blowing hard tonight.

There was a storm approaching in the distance and I decided to hunt quickly. A male deer was in the distance and I began to approach it, hunching down in the grass to comoflaugh myself from it's prescence I waited until the timing was right and then I leaped out of the grass and onto my prey biting it fiercely as I killed it and then ate it. Deer meat really was delicious. I licked my lips and ran back to the mansion, shifting back into my human form upon entering the door.

My clothes intact I entered my home but something was different. That smell was like no other. It was midnight so I knew Veronica had to be asleep. I headed toward her room anyways for some reason I seemed drawn to her room. the closer I got to her room the stronger the smell seemed to be. It smelled of lily's and lilacs. 'mate' my wolf purred contently. I opened the door to find Veronica sound asleep.

'mate' My wolf said again. SHIT

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