Chapter eleven

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My head was pounding with every beat of my heart. droaning loudly in my ears. What happened last night. Had I been drunk or was my mind deluted by the potion. The coming events flashed through my head and I groaned loudly. I shoved my head into the white fluffy pillow. Strange I could have sworn all of my pillows were a dark navy blue, almost a black. Apparently the potion only lasted a couple hours or It didn't work at all and I was just drunk.

I turned my head taking in my surroundings. OH MY GOD.

I was in Logan's bed, he lay beside be with his shirt off and the rest of him was covered with a white sheet. Did we.. did we just...

I let out a curdling scream and Logan let out a grown covering me with his body and looking around for any immediate threat. There I was still screaming my head off. Please tell me I didn't loose my virginity to him last night.

"Why are you screaming?" Logan yelled in my ear as he laid on top of me.

I stopped screaming and pushed him off of me. He landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"did we just?" I asked. allowing him to fill in the blanks. I was wrapped under the sheets tightly and I looked under them to find I was wearing one of Logan's shirts. "Oh god we did, didn't we"

Logan got up, putting his hands on his hips as he let out a deep sigh.

"no, you were drunk and spilled alcohol all over you, or should I say potion?" My mouth dropped how could he possibly know about that.

"how..." I mummbled looking at the floor. I just couldn't seem to bring myself to look into his eyes.

"you told me while I was carrying you to bed, you were quite the blabber mouth." he said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. Oh god what all had I told him. Maybe I should have gotten Max to give him the potion.

"why didn't the potion work on you" I pouted.

"let's see, because I'm Alpha and because you don't know the first thing about potions."

What did he mean by that. Had I done it wrong. I did it how the book said..

"you pretty much added way too much alcohol, but hey it made for a pretty good drink maybe you should think of becoming a bartender" I rolled my eyes at him and stood up. Thats when I noticed I was wearing only a t-shirt and you could clearly see my thong along with my long legs. I noticed Logans eyes looking up and down at my figure. Could Mr. Alpha be checking me out.

"okay next time I will do it right, with measurements and everything." I grumbled out.

"there won't be a next time." Logan grabbed me and threw me on the bed. I yelped then I felt something metal wrapping around one of my hands and to the bed. I looked up at what he was doing.

"you have got to be freaking kidding me, You can't handcuff me to the bed like this!" I screamed out. I was heated. No longer was I annoyed I was furious. "I have wrights you know!"

"I know what you have, and you've quickly evaporated those wrights so congrats" He said with a smirk, clapping his hands together.

"My dad's going to be pissed, and my birthday is coming up in a couple days. Are you insane!"

Logan walked closer to me and then he grabbed my chin. "Look here, stuff is going down which I can't explain and your just going to put yourself in danger if you keep snooping around like you have been, so until that threat is gone you'll be staying right here. Get cumfy. I'll tell your dad you said hi."

I screamed a frustrated scream. "You ass hole, Karma's a bitch" Logan showed me the key and then he put it in his jean pockets, he walked towards the door to leave "you can't leave me like this!"

Logans pov

Okay so she had told me her whole lifes story when she was drunk. She told me about her father hitting her and it angered me. I just couldn't let someone treat one of my pack members like that. A pack doctor was for healing not beating. It was time to get rid of him. I already had a pack doctor. I pounded on the door of his house and he came quickly, I'm certain he could sense me. "Alpha" he nodded curtly.

"you need to leave this pack, I've heard and seen that you have been hitting your daughter and our pack can't have someone hurting our people"

Tom nodded in understandment "okay me and Veronica will be out by tomorrow." I shook my head furiously

"no you will be out tommorrow. Just you"

"she's my daughter you can't do that"

"I'm the alpha I can and I will, and If you want to cause a scene I won't hesitate to treat you like a Rogue. Understand." He nodded his head. I could tell he was holding in all of his anger but that was okay as long as he left. I would have to take care of Veronica. She wouldn't be the first one I've had to take care of, she would just be really hard to tame.

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