Chapter 23

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My head was pounding like someone was going at it with a hammer. I seriously need to have a talk with the demons in my head and tell them to shut up every once in a while. No but seriously, that was one messed up dream. I can't believe I actually dreamed that Max had two clones of herself. That's just crazy right? That would be some serious witch craft stuff right there.

I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings. I was in the living room of the Mansion. How had I gotten back here. Last thing I remember I was in a weird barn drinking from a random water fountain and then I passed out. Wait why had I passed out? Must have over exerted myself. No but seriously why were they hiding a freaking water fountain. I mean of all the secrets I imagined them haveing... A water fountain was definitely not one of them.

No one was in the living room except for Logan he seemed like he was sleeping. Well at least I won't be getting yelled at for breaking into the barn. Maybe I could have done it in a more subtle way but oh well, what's done is done.

I silently got up and went into the kitchen and poured me a glass of wine. Yes this girl right here definitely needed more alcohol in her system before getting to the bottom of the water fountain, so to speak.

I drunk every last drop of what was in my cup and the poured some more in before putting the bottle back on the shelf. "Veronica, what are you doing" I turned around to see Logan glaring at me. I sat back on the stool and took another sip of the wine.

"Not breaking into anymore barns if that's what you wondering, I mean seriously did you guys poison the water, My freaking skull is still pounding." I said taking another long sip of my wine before setting it down and standing up and stretching.

Man I so totally needed to work out if it only took one cup of poison to knock me out. I was so not on my game. "first off it wasn't a barn, it was a shed and there is something you need to know about that water fountain..." he trailed off.

Oh my, was Logan actually going to tell me why he was hiding a water fountain, in his so called 'shed' ? "I'm listening" I said, If I was in my wolf form my ears would totally be perked up.

"That water fountain isn't just any water fountain..." he trailed off. Oh come on. blah blah blah. I could never understand why people had to do that with lame ass stories. Just drag it out and get you all worked up and then when they finally tell you, you realize it wasn't even that interesting in the first place.

"cut to the point before I lose interest" I said. There may have been venom in my voice but I blame it on my terrible migrane and the fact that I was completely loosing all my patience with this man.

"that water fountain is The Fountain Of Immortality." I swear I heard lightning strike in the distance. This was definitely one of those horror movie moments right? He cannot be serious.

Then I seen the look on his face. Oh my God he actually believes that. "Logan, and I say this with the deepest of concern, Maybe you should lay off the drugs for a while, buddy" I say tapping his shoulder and walking into the living room.

I hopped on the couch and Logan followed my lead. He grabbed me and turned me so that I was facing him. Tingles rushed through me everywhere he touched. The effects this man had on me could seriously cause a hurricane right about now.

"I'm dead serious Veronica"

"Oh I know that you believe that, drugs can cause that effect on people. Don't worry though. I am gonna be there for you every step of the way. You guys do have a rehab somewhere in this town right?" I asked. I was really worried for him. I mean if he actually believes there is some sort of Fountain of immortality then he needed help badly.

"I'm not on fucking drugs!" he yelled.

"denial is the first step darling" I patted his leg. "well I'm off to bed I'll see you in the morning and then we can discuss furthur about entering you into rehab.


Logan's pov

The first time I actually tell Veronica the truth and she thinks I'm on drugs. She is the one with the issues, not me! I called Max and told her that Veronica didn't believe me and for her to explain everything to her tomorrow. I just can't do it anymore, not with her looking at me like i'm some kind of crazy person. Now I need a drink.

I walked into the kitchen and finished the bottle Veronica had been drinking out of. I plopped on the couch and turned on the tv. There was hardly anything on so I turned it on the movie channel.

Closing my eyes I tried my best not to think about Veronica but it was nearly impossible. It was literally driving me insane thinking about her with Jake, I was even a bit jealous of her relationship with Max. I could see how much Veronica confided into Max and it drove me crazy that she couldn't come to me with these things. Then again I hadn't been exactly welcoming with the fact that she was my mate. I hadn't even told anyone although I'm sure a lot of them knew already. Like Mary.

In a way, I was glad that Veronica was making friends, but she have better stop making friends with guys or I'm gonna give them hell.

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