Chapter 27

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A/N Hey guys I updated this chapter quick because of the comments thanks so much for taking the time to read and vote for my story it really means the world to me. also...


**Veronica's Point of view**

I woke up in a soft bed with covers surrounding me. I jumped up quickly and ran over to the mirror checking myself for any type of burns. None what so ever. Had that all just been a dream? It felt so real, too real to be a dream.

"Hey you're away finally, I was worried." Max said causing me to jump. So that wasn't a dream?

"How did I get here?" I asked Max.

"Logan, He rushed in there fast to get you while the others.. well.. killed your dad" I gulped. My dad was dead.

I couldn't help the smile that covered my entire face, I just felt so relieved and yeah maybe that was a bad thing to be so relieved after getting the news that your father was dead but hey, I never said I was perfect. I grabbed Max and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Oh thank God I thought I was going to die... But how am I not burnt at all?" I asked Max.

"Oh, well the fountain of immortality actually allows us to heal a lot faster than normal humans... didn't you read the book?" She questioned me. God what was she ? my professor I think not.

I folded my arms across my chest and glared at her. "Of course I read it" I said. Ha, Yeah I kind of just skimmed through it and only read the parts that actually stood out. Sorry i'm not a geek like you Max.

"Well you better go prepare yourself." Max said glancing up and down at my outfit.

"Prepare myself for what?" I asked.

"The Mating Ritual of course" she said. God did these people have a ritual for everything? Couldn't a girl ever catch a break in this town?

"And what exactly does this Mating Ritual consist of?" I asked cautiously.

"Just the usual... The alpha will mark you... you will mark him... then you both will have sex and when you guys get done with that we do a marriage ceremony outside." she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"OVER MY DEAD BODY" I screamed :"There is no way in hell i am marrying that fool." I shook my head furiously. Yeah right. I'm way too young to get married I don't care that were mates. Just 'cause were mates doesn't mean we have to get married.


**Logans POV**

I allowed Max to explain to Veronica the whole Mating ritual aware that It would probably tic her and her stubborn self off. Honestly, this girl was going to be the death of me. I watched calmly as Veronica Stormed down the stairs in her pink cup cake pajamas. Her fire red hair curling at the ends. "We are never ever getting mar-" I pounced on her. Interupting her sentence and bit her neck allowing her blood to flow freely into my mouth causing her to first yelp and then groan out of pleasure. The alpha's Mark usually consisted of both pain and pleasure. Oh how I was going to enjoy mating with her.

Veronica was so caught up in the bliss of it all that she instinctively bit my neck as well causing me to moan in pleasure as hot tingles Shot up through out my entire body. Suddenly aware of what had happened she pushed me hard off of her and gasped before running up the stairs and slamming the door loudly behind her. I licked the blood off of my lips before following her up the stairs. Oh the chase was the best part. I snickered. I opened the bedroom door before shutting it behind me and locking it. Alone at last.

"You stay away from me you, you, you, big Alpha Jerk" Veronica said apparently, for once not having such a great come back. I just smiled at her. She was obviously fighting the feelings that were crashing down on her. You see after marking each other the pull for us would be so magnetic and so hard to fight off.

I grabbed her arms pulling her to me and slamming my lips against hers. She kissed me back just as fervently. The kiss was like magic causing me to melt against her and I knew in that moment that I had Fallen madly in love with Veronica. And without saying a word, I knew she felt the same for me. I pulled off her shirt and her pants and traced every curve and out line with my hands causing her to shiver against me and I couldn't help but smile. Because I knew she was all mine and that no one else would have her but me.

I pulled away from her lips to admire her beautiful body. She jerked her hips against me causing me to moan. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me hard allowing my tongue to explore her mouth. She tasted of cherries and apples. Such a weird but delicious combination. I hurriedly took off my pants and entered her slowly trying my best not to hurt her but she felt so good and she was extreamly tight. I have never felt this way before. The way she was making me feel. I picked up my pace and kept up a steady rhythm sliding in and out of her. With every moan and groan I knew that I was doing it right so I kept to It until we both reached our climax.

"I love you" We both said at the exact same time and in that moment I knew why the gods had chosen us to be together.

"I'm still not gonna marry you though" Veronica said ruining the moment. And then there were times like this when I had no freaking clue.

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