Chapter 20

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Logan was so unbelievable, and how did he find out about my father in the first place? Was that why he kicked him out of the pack. No, probably not. He would most likely find joy in my father beating me.

I jumped on my bed, face down, burring my face into my pillow. If I happened to suffocate from lack of air I can't say it would necessarily be a bad thing. However, then I would be letting Logan get his way and that was just never going to happen.

I punched my bed and imagined it was Logan's face instead. I highly doubt his face would have been that soft though.

I took out my cell phone and texted Jake.

'hey :(' I pressed send and waited for his reply. I got up out of bed and turned on my stereo. I was definitely in a Taylor swift sad song mood right now and I knew the perfect song. I popped in her CD and pressed play, turning the sound up, I walked back over to my soft, welcoming bed and lay on my back staring up at the ceiling. Taylor swift- cold as you.

My phone vibrated and I pressed the lock button and hit my messages. 'hey what's the matter beautiful?' I quickly texted him back.

'need someone to talk to, can I come ova?'

I hate how Logan can hurt me with just a few simple words. I didn't want to feel anything for him but I couldn't help it. He was my mate and as much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn't. My heart and my wolf wouldn't let me.

'I'd never say no to you' Jake texted back. I smiled and went to my tall, Oak dresser and put on some pajamas that had cute little kittens on them. I just needed to cuddle up to someone and maybe watch a love story. Yes this bad girl did have a soft side.


Logan's POV

A part of me really wanted to go up there, to Veronica's room and just hold her while she cried in my arms. I could feel her pain radiating through my entire being and it felt as though my heart were shattering in two.

Mary texted me saying she wanted to come over but I turned her down saying it was a bad time. I should just come out and tell her I have a mate, just not who my mate was. It was wrong of me to lead her on in the first place. I thought that if I could make Veronica jealous then she would see the error of her ways and try to grow up and stop acting so childish, even though she pretty much was a child.

However, it seems as though she has been making me jealous more than I have even made her Jealous. God, it was like we were in preschool or something.


Zack mind linked me. I groaned inwardly before mindlinking him back.



SEND OUR BEST MEN TO HANDLE IT, I replied back to him. Silence filled the air so I figured Zack was taking care of it.

"I can see your so busy" I turned around to find Mary glaring at me angrily.

"What are you doing here, Mary, now is not the best time" I said, trying my best not to take out my anger on her.

"whatever, I'm done with this, done with us" she said.

I shrugged my shoulders "okay"

"you're in love with her aren't you" She said while looking at the floor. Her face looked ghost white like she was afraid of the answer.

"and whom are you referring to?" I asked.


"no, I despise her, I loath her." I said, reassuring her and partly, myself.

"why are you lieing? Everyone can see it... The way you look at her..." She trailed off.

"just leave, Mary, I have stuff to do" I growled out. She ran away crying. I didn't mean to hurt her. That wasn't my plan at all. What I don't understand is why people ask you questions that they already know the answers to.

I grabbed my cell and dialed the number for a toe truck. I gave them my information and told them to take it to the shop to get it fixed. I didn't care how much it costs. I just needed my baby back and there were too many memories in that car to let it go.


Veronica's POV

I lay on the couch with Jake, my head in his lap and my feet dangling off the arm of the couch. Popcorn on my stomach, we watched an epic love story. Romeo and Juliet. It was by far one of my favorite classic tales.

"Romeo, Romeo, Where fore art thou Romeo" I lipped as Juliet said it. You could totally tell that I watched this movie way too much.

I was pretty comfortable. Maybe it was being around Jake that made me feel this way. I wish he had been my mate. I could never have feelings for him like I did for Logan, but It didn't mean I wouldn't try to make myself fall for him. Jake played with my hair as I ate my popcorn and watched my favorite movie in complete silence. Now this was what I call a good slumber party only minus the pillow fights. Hmm. Maybe we could get to that after the movie is over. Now there is a brilliant thought. I texted Max to come over and for her to bring her Mate with her. I definitely see a pillow fight in the very near future.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter I'm just so tired right now. I promise to write more soon. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think and ways to improve. I know I have a lot of spelling errors but I don't have an editor. lol. Comments and Votes are appreciated.

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