chapter 15

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I layed back on Max's bed with a sigh. Man I kinda don't want to find my mate today. I wish I could just blow it off for one night and go have fun.

"wanna go to a club?" Max suggested. Man she was getting better at being a bad girl, she learns fast.

"hell yeah, we talking human club?" I asked. I had never been to a human club before. Mainly because they don't really allow us to socialize with humans. Partly because we wouldn't want humans thinking there was something off about us, after all , that was how hunters came to be. Mainly it was jealousy that they weren't one of us. It was against werewolf law to turn a human into a werewolf unless they were your mate. That rarely happened though.

"actually, we have a club in town just on the edge of the forest." I smiled up at her. This was so on.

Me and Max walked out side of her house, my book bag in tact. We started undressing, and shoving our clothes into my book back. Then we shifted in to wolf form, book bag in my mouth, as we started running toward the forest.

It felt so amazing to not have to worry about shifting. Knowing I wouldn't get abused for shifting was such a relief. I knew I should probably miss my dad, but I didn't. I hated him. You can't miss someone you hate with every fiber of your being.

As we approached the club we went around back and shifted back, putting on our clothes we walked toward the front. We didn't get Id'ed because being a werewolf in a werewolf community your allowed to drink when you turn sixteen. If you can find your mate and have sex and babies then why wouldn't you be allowed to drink. Your considered an adult at the age of sixteen.

Walking into the club, i felt the vibrations from the base. A black light swiveled through the air on an invisible wire. People were dancing or sitting at the bar chatting up there mates ear. This was a place for everyone to let loose and clear the minds. I could definitely see myself staying here til I die with this amount of fun. Who knew this boring town had any kind of fun.

"I'm gonna go get us a drink" Max yelled over the music to me. I nodded my head and walked over to the front of the club where the dj was playing a slow song. Not fun at all. I slipped a twenty to the dj and told him to play one of my favorite songs.

I headed toward the center of the dance floor and started working my body to the music. This is what you call hot sex music.

"is it worth it, let me work it. I put my thing down zip it and reverse it" I started grinding my body on a random guy and he was getting into the song as well. I looked up and saw max shaking her head at me while a smile played on her lips.

I felt eyes hot on me like they could burn a whole through me. Looking up I saw Logan staring at me hard with an angry expression on his face. What was his problem.

That's when the smell hit me. 'mate' my wolf growled at me and I stepped away from the clingly random guy I was just moments ago grinding on. I walked toward logan but he started walking away out of the club and I followed him.


Logan's pov

I had been staring at Veronica on the dance floor grinding on Eric my cousin. My wolf growled at me telling me to dislocate his head from his body for touching our mate like that. I ignored him. Veronica looked strait at me and I knew that she knew we were mates. I had to get out of here.

I snuck into the back ally of the club and started walking toward the forest. I could smell veronica only feet away from me. "Logan, wait!" she yelled. Why was she trying to follow me. wasn't she as discusted by this as I was.

Veronica grabbed my arms and I shivered as tingles spread throughout my entire body. I turned around and slammed her against a tree trunk. "don't" I yelled. more frustrated that I was feeling anything for her. It was to be expected though. She was my Mate.

"What's the matter Logan? You don't want us to be mates?" Veronica asked sarcastically.

"no I don't, is that what you want to hear?" I growled at her. Her body pressed hard against mine and I groaned, chills going down my spine. My body felt hot and full of lust. Her body was perfect and it molded with mine absolutely perfectly. Veronica ran her underneath my shirt and against my chest, sparks flew everywhere she touched. I stared deeply into her eyes. Pure lust. That's all I saw. I pulled away from her.

Get control of yourself Logan. I yelled at myself. I will not give in.

"go home Veronica" She smiled at me.

"okay, you do know that we live together now right" she smiled. Damn I forgot about that for a split second. Maybe I should have Asked Zack, My beta to come with me to the club. Maybe he could have kept her away from me.

"whatever just go home, we'll talk about this later" I mumbled under my breath, I knew she had heard me though.

"Or I could go back inside the club and continue partying."

She suggested, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Whatever, Veronica, I don't care what you do" I could see pain in her eyes. I immediately regretted saying that but I shouldn't. Veronica walked back into the club and I ran into the forest attacking a tree out of rage.

I will never love her. Fates. Why do this to me when you know I could never possibly love someone like her!

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