Chapter 19

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The ride back to the mansion was not exactly like the ride into town. Lets just say a sqirrel came out of no where, and me being the animal loving creature that I am, swirved the car to avvoid killing the creature, A car was on the left coming at us so I swirved the car again, and hit a tree, with Max screaming at the top of her lungs. The air bags popped out hitting me in the face. I used my arms, hitting it until it went down some.

"well that's gonna leave a mark" I grumbled. I looked over at Max to make sure she was okay. She had the most shocked, and terrified look on her face.

After a couple minutes I started laughing my ass off. I couldn't help it, the look on her face was just so completely priceless.

"why are you laughing! we could have died!" Max yelled, hitting me on my arm to try and get me to stop laughing. I took a deep breath to try and stop my laughing fits.

I gave Max a serious look. "well on the bright side, we'll only have a couple bruises. You forget werewolves heal easily." well werewolves other than me that was. Our bones heal easily but bruises still came unfortunately.

I took another deep breath and got out of the car to look at the damage. The entire front of the car was smashed into the tree. Okay so maybe Logan would be a little more mad than he originally would have been.

Max got out of the car and came beside me. "oh god Logan is totally going to murder us." Max said frantically putting both her hands on top of her head and blowing out a deep breath of air.

"well I doubt we'll be driving this thing anywhere. come on lets run" I said to max, taking off my clothes and making sure no one else was around. Luckily that Car that I swerved not to hit took off and didn't even stop to check if we were alright. That's humans for you.

We made it back to the mansion in record timing. You would think Max wouldn't have been in such a hurry to get back, but she was racing through the woods.

I took a deep breath before entering the mansion and closed the door quietly behind us.

"Where the fuck is my car!" Logan screamed. Okay strait to the point then, not even a hello. He was sitting in the living room tapping his foot on the floor like he was trying his best to be patient.

"your car? oh my god is it missing?" I asked, Sarcasm evident.

"don't play with me Veronica, I know you took it. Now where is it!" Logan growled. I looked over at Max to see her shaking with worry.

"Oh that car, yeah it's uh... sort of..." I trailed off. How exactly tell do you tell someone you borrowed there car without there permisson and it got wrapped around a tree?"

"Where is it!" He yelled again, stomping his foot down to empathize with every word. Wow talk about throwing a tantrum.

"Well, you have a very educated car. It seriously has a mind of its own. See it decided it didn't like you anymore and 'it' decided to have sex with a tree. I'm terribly sorry Logan. This May be hard for you to hear... But I think your car is cheating on you" Max started laughing but stopped when Logan gave her a look.

"Max maybe it's best for you to go home right now" Logan said through gritted teeth.

Oh boy, That meant that I was really going to get it. Oh well. I can stand up for myself. Max whispered sorry to me and ran out of the mansion.


Max's POV

I didn't want to leave Veronica at the Mansion alone with Logan, But it seems as though I had no choice. My face was slightly bruised from the impact of the air bag but other than that I was perfectly fine. Veronica was in a lot worse shape than me though. She had a cut right above her eye and her other eye was all shades of purple.

I ran into Shay on my walk home. "what happened?" He asked in a worried tone. I shrugged my shoulders not really wanting to give him the lame details. I wanted him to like me and find me interesting. Maybe if I was more like Veronica he would think I was fun to be around.

"Long story short, me and Veronica stole Alpha Logans Car to go to the movies and on our way back a squirrel came out of no where and Veronica crashed the car into a tree to avoid killing the squirrel." I said so fast that I wasn't even sure his brain registered all that I was saying.

Shay growled and grabbed my shoulders roughly. "I don't want you hanging out with her, Max.. She is a bad influence and she will only get you killed."

I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't like being told who I can and can't hang out with.

"she's my friend, I know your my Mate and all, but I won't ditch her just because you think she's a 'bad influence' " I said pulling away from him.

I loved Shay, he was my mate, but I loved Veronica too, she was my best friend and I wasn't going to abandon her, no matter how much danger she puts me in I will always stand by her and support her. That's what best friends do.


Logans POV

"You fucking crashed my car Veronica" I can't not believe she is even trying to defend herself right now.

"Oh please, you act like I did it on purpose. it was an accident."

"to save a squirrel!" I yelled. Like a bloody squirrels life was more important than my Lamborghini. "do you have any Idea how expensive that bloody car was!" I yelled. I couldn't help it. This girl was simply ruining my life. She was always doing something to piss me off.

"Well by the look on you face, I'm guessing it was more than five dollars"

"go to your room!" I yelled while pointing up the stairs to where her room was.

"NO! YOUR NOT MY DADDY" she screamed which only infuriated me more.

"your right there, I don't beat you!" I yelled back.

"AHHHH" She screamed and stormed off to her bedroom. Well at least she listened to me for once.

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