Chapter 18

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Me and Max decided it would be fun to go to the movies. Granted it was a human theater outside of the perimeters. I was excited either way because I had never been to a theater but we had Television and I really wanted to see the movie 'Vampire Academy' It looked pretty good if you asked me.

It took me, groveling on my knees before she would agree to it though. I wasn't ashamed. At the end of the day I got what I wanted didn't I?

We snuck into the garage at the very end of the mansion and pretty much hijacked Logan's black Lamborghini. Well he did leave the keys on the table in the kitchen.

I hopped in the car and started it. "OH MY GOD" I squealed, It was just too awesome of a car not to make a comment about it.

"He is going to have our heads on a stick, when he finds out we stole his car" Max said in a freaked out tone.

"Not stole, were just borrowing it for a couple hours" I said while backing up out of the drive way. Ten minutes later we were on the main drag about fourty minutes from the highway. Yes we lived that far from humans.

I turned on the radio loud making the sweet stereo buzz and vibrate. Crazy kids was playing so I rolled down the windows so the whole world could hear just how we jam.

" cause you know the party never ends. and tomorrow we gonna do it again. We the ones who play hard, we live hard, we love hard, we light up the dark."

I screamed out the window. Max was laughing at me the entire time. "that part is totally you" she said.

"you know it baby" I smiled.


Logan's pov

I was in the living room taking to Eric about dancing with Veronica. " Just don't let it happen again" I growled out. I was still glaring at him. I had been yelling at him for about an hour. HE kept saying stuff like 'why do you care?' and 'she came on to me' It was really pissing me off. "don't question me again." I mumbled before walking out of the room.

My stomach growled and I decided to take a drive into the human town and get something to eat. I walked out to my car only to find it gone, with Veronica's scent all over the garage. I growled, slamming my fist into the brick wall, the brick cracked and I stormed out the door.


Veronica's pov

We finally reached the theater, which was massively big. There were cars everywhere, making it hard to find a parking spot. We finally found one at the very end of the parking lot next to a really big Black ford.

"so do you think Vampires actually exist?" I asked Max as we were walking into the theater.

"probably not, but I think it would be hot if they did" she said her cheeks getting red.

"totally" I opened the door for her and we bought our tickets. The Guy behind the register was staring awfully hard at me. Granted to humans we probably appeared more beautiful and statue like. That was just my guess though. We didn't really react much with humans so I wasn't exactly sure how there minds worked. Humans were practically aliens to us. We hardly knew anything about them. After all. We were here first. This was our planet and we always made sure that the humans knew it. Well we use to. that was when they first came to our territory, I guess they use to call us indians because they thought we were savages or something. I guess all humans were afraid of what they didn't understand. Now we just kept to ourselves.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I growled. I hate when people stare it's quite annoying. Well I hated when humans stare. Werewolves I was okay with. They were our own kind.

The guy seemed startled and hurriedly printed out our tickets and handed them to me, his hands shaking.

I rolled my eyes. Humans were so weak

I don't mean to sound mean, but we have been treated horrible because of humans, we have also been hunted down by them. They were not a good breed..

Me and Max walked down a long hall way and entered into theater seven. We grabbed a seat in the front and I was mezmerized at how big the screen was.


After the movie was over me and Max started clapping as the credits came on. People around us just gave us weird looks but I didn't really care, That was the best movie ever. It kinda made me wish we had vampires. How awesome would it be to meet a Vampire?

we made it to the car all in one peace and I started her up. Get Sleazy came on the radio and I screamed "OH YEAH"

Max shook her head at me as she leaned the seat back and closed her eyes. I started the car up, the engine purred contently and I drove us back to the Mansion. Hopefully Logan hasn't found out the car was missing then again another part of me hoped he had. I secretly wanted him to yell at me.

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