Chapter 11

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Carly's P.O.V

It had been 3 days since I had made the phone call to my fathers private investigator. I so far have not received a single phone call on any information about the golden pair. Blake didn't tease me much on purpose these days unlike me who was kissing and hugging Reece every moment I see him as I saw the anger in my mates eyes. I would simply smirk and continue as my mate would try to hold the anger in. I once broke cover as I burst into laughter and Hayley looked at me weirdly but I managed to regain myself and simply bit my lip to hold in the laughter. The rest of the days I would tend to eat sleep and repeat this process. My days were becoming very boring.

I was currently listing to some Melanie Martinez on the sofa as had a body fall on me and my eyes immediately opened. Reece was smirking as he kissed the base of my neck as I gave him a frown when I noticed a small blurry figure behind him guessing it was Blake as I went along with Reece's lovey dovey stuff. I grabbed some glasses from the side table and slipped them on as Reece's perfectly sculpted face came into view. Reece was a hottie I will admit that but even for thinking that I feel like I am cheating Blake so I can't press on any real romantic feelings I have for Reece. I finally saw, over Reece's shoulder, Blake's arms around Hayley's waist and her cuddling into his chest. So he needs her now does he? My face went red in anger as I looked at Reece trying to contain my anger. Reece noticed the tension and pulled a classic Reece move. "So guys I was thinking perhaps we could go on a double date. You know me and Carly, and then you guys?" He asked as he looked over at them lot. "No" me and Blake both said simultaneously as we both looked away from each other. "Well actually I think it's a great idea" Hayley said beaming at Reece. "Nobody gives a shit what you say" I muttered as Reece frowned at me and Blake rolled his eyes. Great now I sound like a bitch. I saw hurt flash across Hayley's face as she looked away. "Don't be a party pooper Cece ... I'm so bored doing shit all day. Let's do something together as a couple" he stressed the couple bit to persuade me but it wasn't working. "Well perhaps we should be doing it alone not as a DOUBLE DATE!" I yelled as I stood up. Reece sighed as he put his hand on his forehead. Hayley and Blake were silent not challenging me in anyway. I realized that I was just digging myself into a large hole so I fell back into Reece's lap mumbling "Fine". Blake smirked saying "I agree ... let's go". Hayley squealed like a horse as she jumped up and down clapping her hands in delight. I got up and made my way upstairs.

As I was making my way up the winding stairs my phone buzzed and I picked it up. "Carly speaking" I said in my monotone voice. "Hello Alpha Carly, I have some news on those people you wanted a background check on and there is quiet a lot to talk about. Do you have time to spare now?" He asked as the phone went silent for a while. I thought about it as I put the phone to my chest and told Reece "change of plan, I have stuff to do." He came up the stairs and pulled out a nerf gun aiming it at me as I froze. Fuck! I pulled the phone to my ears as I said "Sorry mate ... I can't do today, call me later perhaps." "Mate?" The private investigator questioned. I was being really informal which was wierd for me since I was meant to treat others with no equal respect or informality. I just cut the call and sighed as I narrowed my eyes at Reece. He smirked and skipped away. He is so wierd. At least I now know I have some information about the golden couple. I hope it's something good.
Helllllloooooo guys! Yep back with another update. This one was a little boring but I can't wait for the next one which will be much more interesting and eventful. Thanks for waiting and see you next time. Comment and like pls xx
Love Sonia xoxo

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