Chapter 14

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Blake P.O.V

There it was. Those words I hoped I would never hear but knew I was gonna have to face it one day. To be honest I should have seen it come but this is the final straw. I can't go on like this. My fists balled up and nails dug into my own hand as I looked at her with rage. My fist immediately went to the door which I threw a punch at a nicely dented it as my wolf grunted. I could see Carly shudder a little from my outburst. I mean could you blame me. I just got rejected by from the woman who was meant to love me forever till the day we die. "Take ... it ... back" my wolf growled as I now managed to corner her little frame into the side of the booth. Her poster cowered a little as I grew closer but then she narrowed her eyes and she straightened her back saying "No" as she slipped under my arm onto the other side of the little booth. "For fuck sakes Carly ... take it back or mark you here right now in this booth until I hear you scream my name. I will force you to be mine" I warned her as till I shook with anger. Call me selfish. I don't give a shit right now. She knows nothing yet she has the right to reject me. Me? Fucking rejected? I don't think so.

Carly P.O.V

If that barstard thinks he can drag me around like a doll for the rest of his life then he better have his brain checked out. Even the idea of being a mistress to him makes me sick. Your mate is supposed to be you number 1, not some side chick. So if he can't be a big boy and grow up to reject that bitch and choose me then he is obviously fucking messed up. The man has no respect and no empathy for me so my decision was a simple one. Rejection. It nicely wrapped up my plans for revenge and seeing him angry was the highlight of my evening if I do say so myself.

He had me cornered once again with his muscly arms on either side of my face on the cold glass as I face away from him. I felt him lean in after warning me as I shut my eyes as tight as possible hoping my plans weren't going to go out of the window just like that. My prayers where answered as the ride stopped and the guy opened the door.

He coughed awkwardly at our position as I dismissed it and slipped under his arms out of the booth. I walked along the path at a rather fast pace till a hand gripped my arm and pulled me back to a chest. The smell I recognized and then immediately pushed him away. The tingles on my skin where not as prominent as the rejection process started. "I don't think you understand what I meant by my rejection. In dickhead terms it mean fuck off and let me be." I yelled as I stepped back but his grip only got stronger. "For gods sake Carly do you think I'm that stupid to just let you go cause you want quits. That not how it works. I still want us" he said with a semi desperate terms. My heart twanged a little as I looked down and gain myself. "Blake you asshole. Get it in your thick brain that your hurting me. It hurts to see my mate hold some other woman every morning and laugh at her actions or even be around her. This is the only way to stop that hurting. Stop being a selfish prick!" I screamed as tears now stream down my cheek. "You think I want it to be like this. You think I like hurting you and you think I want her in my arms. You think I can really be living with myself knowing that I am abandoning my mate, you think I wanna do that to you. You think that my heart doesn't ach everytime I see you cry. You don't think I want you to be mine and I yours. For fuck sakes. This is too fucked up ... Let me tell you everything ..." 


Hope this update was good enough. Hope to come back with a new chapter in the next few weeks. Thanks for the love. Love and comment 

Sonia xoxo 

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