Chapter 3

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Harry woke up to the sound of his bedroom door opening and just in time to see Niall walking with a platter which probably contained his breakfast.

"Good morning beautiful!" Niall greeted, a genuine smile on his face as he placed the tray on the other side of the bed before giving Harry a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Morning! What is this all about?"

"Well, since now we are officially together, I'm planning of treating you properly, as every boyfriend should."

"So you'll show me the sweet romantic part of you and not the one that's like "touch the last piece of pizza and I'll eat you instead"."

"Hey, you've seen that side of me plenty times why do you act like we've never done this before."

"You started it."

"Touché, now eat you banana pancakes."

It was funny that actually they've never taken themselves so seriously during the last six years, even though they would constantly hug, touch and stare at each other in front of the cameras, and behind them they even made out and even had sex, which resulted in exchange of clothes and other stuff. But they were happy and nothing could change that and they could finally take their relationship more seriously.

After they finished their breakfast and washing up it turned 12 o'clock. It was time for Niall to begin with his plan for the day.

"Ok Hazz, you ready? I'm taking you on the date of your leave."

Harry gave him a nod before following his boyfriend outside. They first went to Niall's house, so he could pick up some stuff, without showing Harry what they were, of course. Then they went to the supermarket to buy some food, trying as best as they could to avoid any paps or even fans, because if they were spotted together, the internet would explode. It's not that they wanted to keep a secret, well maybe they did a little and thought that for now it would be best to keep things quiet. It would be best for them and for the world. Even though it was a matter of fact before the first pick of them came out, but Harry was counting on his 6th sense of sensing cameras so they were safe, for now.

Anyway, they took everything they needed, well, Niall needed. He had spent the whole morning in planning while Harry was still sleeping, probably too tired from last night. Well of course, we're talking about Harry Styles and Niall Horan, of course they would fuck, which was probably another part of the Irish man's plan.

They were done by 4 pm and it was time for the next part. They drove away far, along the shore, until they exited LA and headed to the woods. After a bit more driving they finally reached their final destination. A small sandy beach, surrounded by trees and totally isolated from the outer world.

"Ni, how did you find this place?" Harry stared in awe at the small private place.

"Well, I trusted my navigator skills, the wind and I just got an eye for hidden places."


"No, I just got lost the first time, trying to drive out of LA."

"That's more like you." Said the curly head before bursting out in laughter at his lover.

Niall smiled as well. He missed Harry's laugh, the special laugh only he could pull out of him. It was just so beautiful and squeaky, in contrast with his deep voice.

"Don't act like you don't get lost as well."

"I do, but I accept it."

"Hey! So do I!"

"Then why are you getting offended."

"You know what Styles, just take the basket and the blanket and go sit your ass over there before you make me turn into a beast."

"Oh, is that so. Than the beautiful me will be waiting over there. I'm waiting my beast." He threw him a wink before taking the stuff and skipping to the sand.

Niall shook his head. He loved him so much. He took the thing he was hiding from Harry in the back of the car and then joined him on their little picnic.

"Your guitar? Why am I not surprised?" Harry scooted a bit closer to past blonde, who was holding one of his favorite guitars, given to him their fans, in his lap.

"There's something I planned to do long ago and I think now is the perfect time."

Harry nodded and just continued to stare at the man sitting across him. He had no idea what was he planning to do and then it hit him. Niall started playing and singing This Town. Of course the younger boy had listened to it more than a billion times and thought it was sweet of Niall to make him a live performance, probably later he could him his own song. But there was more behind the Irish man's act.

As Niall sang he didn't take off his eye from the boy in front of him. He put so much more meaning in every word leaving his mouth and just now Harry was starting to get it. He wasn't just singing, he was talking to him and then it hit him.

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

The song was actually written for him.

After Niall finished, he put the instrument away and then looked back at his boyfriend, who was continuing to just stare.

"Remember that time we danced and fell on stage. That's my favorite fall of yours." He then leaned closer and took Harry's big hands in his.

"Since the day I found this place I thought of bringing the girl of my dreams here. But as we all know, I had a rough time finding her. You know why? Because she has always been by my side. And she is a he, and he is you."

Harry just couldn't stand him anymore and leaped into Niall's arms. He couldn't think of a better answer to the things he just heard than to just give him the best kiss he could.

The two fell on the blanket and started another heaty make out session. Harry had his hand wrapped around the older one's face, while his were roaming down the taller boy's back, going lower and lower.

After a while they pulled away for air. It was amazing how much these two could last without breathing but again, they needed to.

"Niall... I love you so much... so so muuuch..."

"I know babe, I love you too."

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