Chapter 10

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Since the concert sex accident... Let's say there were quite a lot more Narry conspiracy now. Some people were trying to figure out other explanations for the loud noises they heard from the back of the stage, but the majority knew exactly what was going on with the two members, but still they wouldn't just go to some interview and talk about their love life. They weren't hiding it, but just weren't giving so much info about. But that sure was going to change.

Two months had passed and it was now almost the end of May. The fifth 1D tour had finally ended and now the boys were taking a small break for a few months. Not that they didn't just have a two-year hiatus, but anyway. They were going to take it slow now with the tours and were going to concentrate on the writing.

But before that, the four decided to go on a two-week vacation in the Bahamas. They had planned it while they were on tour and even talked with Zayn if he would like to join them. Sadly, he was going to be a bit busy during that time but promised to call. The things between the five had gotten better now, especially between him and Louis and he was more than happy to have his old friend back.


It was the evening before their flight. The boys were now in their houses in LA and were packing their stuff. Harry was finally done packing all of his Hawaiian shirts and could finally have some rest in his hammock on the balcony with his lover. Niall had finished a few hours before him and had brought his cases to his boyfriend's house, since the two were going to spend the night together, as almost always.

"What did Lou and Liam say about tomorrow?" Harry asked while looking up at Niall. The couple was cuddling, the curly one sitting in between the blonde's legs, while he one of his hand wrapped around his waist, the other one holding the cup of lemonade with two straws they were sharing.

"They are going to meet us at the airport at 4 am."

"And why didn't they want to come tonight?"

"Liam is spending some time with Cheryl and Bear and Louis is with Eleanor since they are not going to see them for a while."

"Oh yeah... right. Welp looks like I'm lucky since my man is coming with me." Harry said while planting a small kiss on his man's neck.

"Don't worry, they are not in such a bad state either."

Harry raised a brow. "What do you mean Horan?"

"Let's say... those two have as much fun together as they do with their girlfriends. And I'm surprised you haven't noticed."

"I was too distracted getting fucked by you to pay attention to them."

"You have a point there." And they both started laughing.

Since it was almost 12 o'clock, the two thought that there wasn't any point in going to sleep, so they just decided to keep themselves entertained until the time for the flight had come.

When the time had come, the two quickly took a shower, got dressed and threw their stuff in the back of Niall's car before taking off for the airport. When they arrived, Liam and Louis were already there waiting for them. They got on the plane and were soon on their way to their perfect shared vacation.

After a few hours, Niall had fallen asleep but was woken up rather soon by a finger poking his left cheek.

"Ni... Ni... are you asleep?"

"I was, babe... what is it?"

"The thing about Louis and Liam earlier... is it really true?"

Niall groaned and stretched, he knew that now Harry wasn't going to let him go until he knew the whole story, which was going to be hard, cuz Niall didn't know as well.

"Not sure Hazz... I just have speculations."

"On what base?"

"Talking with them, seeing them on and off stage, stuff like that."

"Are you sure they fuck?"

"Maybe... why?"

"Cuz they just took off to the toilet together?"

"WHAT? REALLY?" Niall jumped over Harry to see if the other two were still in their seats, just to find them asleep there. The followed a serious death glare at his boyfriend who was holding his mouth. Trying not to laugh too hard and wake up the other passengers, which Niall hadn't woken up with his shout.

"Styles... I think we are going to have a serious talk in the toilet after a minute."

Harry finally stopped laughing and now was holding his mouth with just one hand, while the other one was on his stomach.

"Yeah yeah... just after a min, I think I got sky sick." But before he had time to laugh at his own joke, he was already on his way to the toilet on the back. Niall got up and shouted after him.

"That's what you get for laughing and messing up with me!" And just after that, he got shushed by Liam and half of the plane for shouting and waking up everybody again.

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