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Cahpter 13 The Metang wit Sartcaln [I can't even...]

"Omigish what happnd! shrekd StarPaw. She looked arung. "am I in Starclan?" [no] she eskes when she say the cats that she new.

"No of cours not your in the Daek Forest!" gagged a gray he-cat. [what why was she gagging? Is Staridiot really that hideous?]

StarGlame locked around windly for TiggerStar but she culd;nt sea him. "Yes your in SatrCaln! said the she-ca. It was YellowFang. "Wher else wood you be?"

"Yuo dont need to be so red! [You don't need to be so purple!] said StarGlame she was mad."

sorry said YelllowFang but that made me made." [YelllllllowFang]

"its ok" said StarGleam. "but i was in the sark forest so...HOW DID I DYE? [I KNEW YOUR FUR WASN'T REALLY THAT COLOR!]

"TigerStra killed you" said BlueeStar cumin [...] over to her. "he can send cats to starcaln even from the drk Foret"

"Wait so then I'm died?" StarGlame. [yes. Please stay that way]

"What do i do no? I cant safve te frost like this!" [who is Frost and why do they need saving?]

"That why we aer gong to send you bak to Thnduer clan!" saud WhitStrip. [who tf is Whitestrip?] "But we also have somsing very imptent to tell you first." [Imptent.]

"Omg what is it" lauged StarPaw she stinted to jump up and down with joe. [Go away Joe! This isn't your story!] "I wnat to knew"

"wel their are ten thigs we ned to give you before you goe" said LeafPool and she gave StarGlame 2 rocks with writting on them. "their the ten commons!" [NO]

"OMG THE TEN COMMONDENTS" squelled StarGleam and she was so exited. "I GET TO HAVE TEN COMMNDMENTS?" [NO!]

"Ya" said BleuStar [NO!]

"we need to give them to the calns [NO] but they wont liten. Thats why we nedd you to do it four us!" [NO]

"Okay" said StarGlame and she left Starclan talking the rocks with her. [what how. wasn't she...dead?!]


*literal death*

Kendall Tries to Read Starkit's Prophecy!Where stories live. Discover now