21- I have officially lost faith in Starclan

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*winces* uh...I'm back? 

I kinda forgot this was a thing haha

Chapter 20 STARCALN

"Oh no Broakcnstar!" yelled StarGleam mad;y I can;t be talkin to brokenStar!" [Oh get over yourself, you ignorant purple fuck]

And sheran away leaving AshFurt behin her. She run and ranned and runend [*repeatedly slams head against wall*]

and then se was at StarClan!" [I'm...pretty sure that's not how that works]

"Yay Im not at the dark Fort anymro1! she thought happly and then she wasked across the broard and then she was in Starclan!1 [Uh, I think you were in the Dark Forest for a reason, Staridiot]

"Welcmon to Starcaln said YellowFangn she was stnding ther with LefPool, BrambleClan, SpottedLeaf and BakSrae. [WHAT?! When did Leafpool die?! She must've committed suicide when Staridiot became leader. I would've]

[Also, BrambleClan. If that's not already a thing, then it needs to be]

"Blakstar [I thought it was BakSrae]

yoyre not in the Dark FGort !" Gleamstar yelled hellpy, she didnt want him to be their she lovd him after all. [Since when?!]

"Of course not" BlackStar relipe. "wy would i be their I mean I luv tou after tll2!" [Stahp]


"but I can't be in StarCan! Oalready came here once I cant do it agan!" [Just go back to the Dak Froset]

"well it looks like you haf. [And that, children, is how to deal with plot holes]

said BlueStar and she said "but we cant send you back to the calns again, this time it locks like we'll have to REINCART YOU." [NO. WHO'S IDEA WAS THAT?! DON'T GIVE HER BACK TO THE CLANS JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH HER]

"Omh Reincartion!" [NO] yelled StarGam "you mean like what haopned to CinderPaw?" [NO]

"Yah" [NO] said CinderPelt comin yp to her [NO]

"thast what happened t me I was reicnanrt." [if you were reincarnated you shouldn't be in StarClan. That's the WHOLE FUCKING POINT of reincarnation]

She Said. [This is literally the only correctly-spelled sentence in the ENTIRE FUCKING BOOK]

"But it might be awhile" said SpottedPool [Spottedpool=the ship of Spottedleaf and Leafpool.

...don't judge me]

"after all we have to figre out Ow were going do that firtsl} "go do somethinm elese" [Yes, like jump off a cliff]

"okay" siad GleamStur and she luf. She heard her namer being called and she turnd around and saw HawkForst standing over her body. [what how]

"StarPaw noooooooooooooooooooooo!1111!11111!1!11!111!" je yowle. "Starcaln how ould you od this to me!" "We were about to get marti. [NO]

"Im sorry Hawk Frost" said StarGleam "I'll be back soon I think"! [Hopefully not]

"Wat whose there?" HawkFrost looked around but hed idnt sieantyhing. [Oblivious Hawkfrost is oblivious]

"Its me GleamStar" said GleamStra looking at him. [He can't hear you, Staridiot]

"I cant see yo" he said and he buped into a tree. Then he fele down. [Moron]

"bye HawkForst!" said StarGleam and she left cius she didn' want to see what would haben when her belocd HawkyForest wock up so she luf. [A+ mate you got there, Hawkfrost]

"hi their StarGlema" said a voice and GlemaGleam [Holy freaking mother of sharks...]

looked around. "Whose there!1!11!" she eked and it was... Falled leaf!1!111111!1!11111 [I swear to god, Fallen Leaves, if you fall in love with Staridiot, I will kill you]


Variations of 'Staridiot' in this chapter:

StarGleam (three times)

Gleamstar (twice)






GlemaGleam (my favorite so far)

Kendall Tries to Read Starkit's Prophecy!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant