Chapter 30

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  Namara tore through the woods like a rabid animal, throwing caution to the wind. She sprinted through the woods, her feet stumbling over rocks and sticks. Low hanging tree branches sliced at her cheeks, leaving deep red scores in her skin. 

  She tripped over a rock and went flying down, rolling head over heels through down the mountains. Rocks and branches scraped her, and she felt her bones snapping. She came to a stop at the bottom of the Mountain, gasping for air. Namara could feel her bones knitting back together, the cuts stitching themselves closed. She stumbled to her feet, still running toward the source of the scream. 

  Namara burst out of the trees and into a small clearing in time to see a masked man pull a needle out of Jay's shoulder and toss the boy to one side. 

 "Jay!" Namara shrieked. She darted forward, catching him before he hit the ground. His blue eyes were unfocused staring up at her.

 "Namara. I... I tried to run, like you said..."

 "What did you do?"

  Masked soldiers poured into the clearing, flanking them on all sides. Namara knelt protectively over Jay.

 "Nothing really Miss Ackermann. We simply injected him with a serum that will temporarily shut down his ability to heal, after all, the hand that giveth can so quickly taketh away. We gave that little wretch his abilities, we can take them away as well."

 Namara glared at him, her eyes blazing with hatred. "I'm going to kill you."

 "Unlikely. Now stand up and step away from the boy," The man's voice was cold.


"Belive me, it's better this way."

 Namara grinned maniacally, a slight hint of insanity in her eyes. "Oh really? Why don't you try and make me move?"

 The man sighed, "Such a dissapointment. Let me make you an offer then, you stand up, and cooperate, and your little friend gets to walk away from this."

 "Why should I trust you?"

"You don't have a choice. His powers are turned off, he can't heal. We can either fire on both of you, you'll be rendered unconscious and he'll die. Or you can come with us willingly, and he'll live. Either way we get what we want."

 Namara's mind was racing, her eyes darting around, trying to find an escape route. There wasn't one. She didn't trust the masked agent, but if there was even a chance Jay could live, then she'd take it. 

  "Alright." Namara hugged Jay, the boy sniffled quietly, terrified. Then she stood and stalked defiantly up to the masked agent. 

  Another man grabbed her, roughling cuffing her hands in front of her. The metal was heavy, she wouldn't be able to break it. There was a guard on each side of her, holding chains attached to her wrists. 

  "Now that we've taken care of that," The man said crisply, "We can get on with business."

 He raised his pistol and shot Jay through the chest.  

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