Chapter 36

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"Steve?" Namara's confused tone became angry, "What in God's name is going on? Why am I tied up like an animal in a slaughter house?"

Steve stared at Namara in shock, she'd gone from a rabid animal to her normal self. Her eyes had cleared.

"Why are you looking at me like I've got horns?" She snapped. "Help me out!"

Steve continued to stared dumbly at Namara, unable to believe what he was seeing. How had she recovered so quickly? Not from the bullet wound, but from whatever HYDRA had done to her. It had taken Bucky months, and that was with Willow working to fix his brain.

"Fine," She muttered. There was a deafening snap as Namara broke the chain connecting her wrists to her ankles.

Natasha came around the corner, her pistol aimed at Namara's face.

"Natasha, don't shoot! She's back to normal!" Steve said, jumping up.

"Normal?" Sudden realization dawned in Namara's eyes. "Oh god. I...I'm missing memories. How did I get here? Did HYDRA get me?"

Natasha's face softened, "What's the last thing you remember Namara?"

"SHIELD was going to lock me and Jay up again. I grabebd Jay and jumped out a window. That's the last thing I remember."

"Namara, Jay's dead," Natasha said bluntly.

"I... What?!" Namara's eyes became unfocused and she let out a gasp of pain. She grabbed her head, and when her eyes focused again, they were glistening with tears. "I remember. I remember it all."

"Why are you back? How can we be sure you aren't still being controlled?" Natasha demanded.

"Because when you shot me in the head, the brain tissue that had been affected by HYDRA's machine was destroyed. My mind healed itself. So thanks for shooting me in the head." Namara's eyes glittered, then went dark. "I couldn't keep Jay safe."

"Namara, there wasn't anything else you could have done," Steve said quietly.

"Yes there was. I should have fought harder, I should have died before Jay did!"Namara's voice broke.

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