(Chapter 0) Barbies, Vampires And Vortexes

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~Single Ladies POV~

Now that I have decided on what socially awkward pajamas I should wear out in public, I can finally continue my day. Calling forth my inner demons, I used my mental abilities to teleport Rachel to the school. This might have failed because the next thing I heard was a startled scream and soon banging on our shed door. Oops.

“Cam! You are dead, like, so dead!” I could barely hear her muffled screams, the sound of my awesomeness was just too loud.

After throwing on my old shoes, I walked outside to my bright pink bike. Who needed cars when you have a pink bike? Me. I do.

I was welcomed to the school by the many friends that I have. *Sobs* I can’t even lie in this book. The crowded halls of This School Is Against The Law, Do Not Call The Cops High were packed as usual, students awfully close together as they tried to get to class.

“Hey Camerica! I don’t need an insult with a name like that!” A familiar Barbie snickered from behind me. Quickly turning on my heel, I looked in the red eyes of Barbie The Barb Barb. Don’t ask, I have no clue where the name came from. She has been held back so many times, Barbie is rearing pretty close to the age of 65.

“My name is Single Ladies. I refuse to be called anything else, thank you very much.” I ordered, pride in my tone as I spoke of myself.

“What are ya’ gonna do bout’ it, Chicken Wing?” She asked jokingly as she chewed on her gum. Something about that unneeded apostrophe after the ya made me snap, and the next minute I was grabbing onto her flabby wrinkles with my long cat like nails. She tried to fight back but my hold on her wrinkles was far too strong to struggle.

“Ladies! Ladies, settle down.” A dramatic voice said from behind us. The man bounded towards us, pulling us apart with sparkly hands. “Please close your mouths girls, I know I’m hot but honestly”

The man-child pulled off his shirt in his all-sparkly glory before looking at me with a devilish smile. “How badly do you want to be a vampire?” He yelled dramatically, throwing his head to the side. His fangs sprang out of his mouth in a rather painful way before he started reaching towards my neck.

~Rachels POV~

Okay, so lets get one thing straight. Being locked in a shed while your friend abandoned you is pretty unfortunate. Sadly, this is not the first time. I eventually got to school and with some effort pushed past the crowds of adoring fans. Hah.

“Camerica!” I yelled. She turned to me, a sparkly dude was rubbing against some 65 year old blonde, slowly reaching towards Cam’s flawless neck.

“Yes...” She asked calmly, despite the shirtless man trying to bite her neck.

“What is going on here?” I asked impatiently.

“My enormous fan group has taken over the halls, there is nothing to do but bask in the sunlight!”

The sparkly man-child cringed. “The sun is my only weakness.”

“Oh really, who would’ve guessed, a vampires weakness being sunlight.”

“I know right! It took my like ten years to figure that out.”

I stopped to wonder what he had been doing for ten years when a bear came in strapped with bombs. “NOBODY MOVE! THIS IS NOT A ROBBERY.” The bear screamed over the cheering fans.

“This can’t get any weirder.” I said as the bear pressed the big green GO button.

“Just you wait.” The bear said, a smile forming on his wet lips. This bear was starting to freak me out even more and more. Suddenly the bear exploded. Bear bits and pieces were scattered, in his place was a swirling vortex of purple-ish blue.

“So who is going to go investigate?” The sparkly vampire asked expectantly. “Why don’t you?” I asked.

“I don’t have a very good past with swirling vortexes.” He paused looking at ground remembering some harsh past. His eyes lit up. “You should go Single Ladies!” he cheered.

The fans followed, pushing her into the vortex, but the last moment she whipped her hand out grabbing my leg, pulling me with her.

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