(Chapter 3) We Almost Kill Bill PT.1

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~Single ladies POV~

“What is this madness!” I screamed, spitting out the ‘cheese’ that was in my mouth. This tasted terrible! The cheese back in Snoitanicullah, the city that Rachel and I came from, was much more exciting than this. I walked out of the flowery hallway, throwing the rest of the horror that these idiots called ‘cheese’ into a Disposable Disposal With Lava/‘Garbage’.

The night here was a lot different than the ones we had at home. Here the sky was a dark blue and back at home the sky was a deep orange. The lack of power I had on this planet was sicken-


“Oh my bloody Mary, I am on a different planet! I am standing on a different planet! I barely leave my room, let alone my planet! Sam and Dean are aliens! They are bloody aliens… What if they try and test on me? What if I get sent to a lab? I don’t want to be tested on.” The realization hit me harder than a sack of potatoes as I started rambling on. I frantically looked around the empty parking lot in search for something to hide me.

Next to the Motel was a small shop with fake humans in the window. The bright red sign above the building flashed: Designer Clothes! Not stolen! Well thats good, we wouldn’t want anything to be stolen property!

“Hey pajamas!” A sassy voice yelled from the shop window. “Come let me get a look at you!”

I slowly spinned on my foot to face the owner who had such a voice. “Me?” I asked cautiously, hoping she wouldn’t turn me into an alien test subject. “Who else has frizzy hair and yellow pajamas? Girl, get your ugly butt over here.”

Five minutes later and I’m sitting in an old chair with an old prune touching my hair. “Do you wash your hair? It doesn’t look like it. When I’m done with you, no one will recognize you. Thats a good thing too. Fashion Crisis happenin’’ over here!” She hollered, following her words with a deep throaty laugh.

“I’m Bella by the way. I was just like you ya know? I never smiled, I never brushed my hair, didn’t eat… Heck, I was pregnant at 16! Anyway, three years after my marriage I dumped his sorry butt, sold my baby and bought this place.”

“Nice plan. I sold my first child too! My name is Single Ladies. You wouldn’t be human, would you?” I asked, eyeing the old Bella.

“Heck no girl! I am all Vampire. Thanks a lot Edward.” She growled his name before showing off her fangs prowdly. Bella pushed her grey hair back and started playing with mine.

“Wait! Before you do whatever you want to do, be reminded that I am about to fight a battle to the death… I need to fit in with the humans and I don’t want people looking at me… Can you do that?” I asked hopefully looking up at the old vampire. She nodded gingerly, her mind already thinking about what she can do.

“Girl, this will be a piece of cake! Lets get started!”

For the next three hours I was picked, plucked, pampered, bruised, washed, scraped, scrubbed, stabbed, smothered, brushed and covered in a thing they call ‘Make-Up’. My hair was teased, tasseled, cut, brushed, dyed, put up, put down, straightened, curled and just plain abused. Bella’s ruff fingers stabbed into my head over and over, only stopping to check my face and add more goo. Then the cycle repeated.

“I think… I think I am done.” Bella sighed in content at her work before slowly turning my chair to the retro mirror behind me. The person who faced me was not myself. My face was smothered with dark lip-goo, while my eyes had even more goo surrounding them. This witchcraft was both scary and impressive. Rachel would enjoy this.

 I pushed the newly curled hair to the side as I stood up and thanked Bella. “No problem sweet heart! Come back again with that pretty friend of yours! She would make a good blond. Also, do not struggle.” My face crumpled into confusion as I heard the end of her words. “Look behind you.”

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