Chapter 10 (Wait, What?!)

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A little note before we begin:

sorry we haven't updated I'm a while (it has something to do with my. computer breaking), heck, we don't even know if there are people on wattpad waiting for our story to be updated. If you are the very few that were waiting, happy birthday! If its not your birthday, happy early birthday!

And remember readers: the pie is a lie.

(Also, how would you feel about us adding in Sam's best friend Luci?)


“Dean! Screwdrivers do not go in cake! Where have you been the last six years, when I was baking you cakes, many times.” Sam yelled, his voice came from the walls, confusing the confused Dean more than he was already confused.

“What? Where are you!” Sam’s brother yelled while searching for more ingredients to put in his fail of a cake.

The robots wouldn’t shut up, laughing and doing something that looked like high fiving but at the last second the longer one grabbed the tiny ones body and held it where the tiny one could not reach. Dean was really starting to hate those two.

“Dean, just for the love of- Nope, nope, that doesn’t go in cake either.” Sam was pretty fed up at this point, wanting to strangle and hug Dean all at the same time.

GLaDOS was preoccupied with other ‘tasks’, as she put it, and promised that there were no cameras documenting their failure.

Being supposedly alone made Sam and Dean even more jumpy than usual, afraid that even the slightest mistake would make GLaDOS come back and kill them, although they were already dead men walking.

“Sam, I am so sorry,” Dean began to say as he continued to make cake, the wrong way. “but this may be the end of me, and everything you knew of your brother.”

“Dean. Shut up...” Sam said. “...We aren’t finished this yet. We owe the fictional community, and those….appropriately aged…. I mean, Camerica…. ?” He questioned his own statement. Did that mean that they were a story in some alternate universe? That fan girls, and guys, fawned over fan fiction depicting them in this very situation? He knew that there was already a fan base in their own world, but he still couldn’t shake the feeling of uneasiness. Like somebody, or more than one person was reading this as a story…. His brain hurt.

“Hey Sam… Are you still there? I have been yelling at for the past five minutes, and all I have heard back is heavy breathing… Are you thinking of that girl again? Rachel, is it? I don’t know Sammy, last time you liked a girl she got strapped to the ceiling and lit on fire… Kinky, but a little bit creepy. I mean, she is dead and all, and I kinda like Rachel, and don’t want her to die the same way as our mother did.” As Dean spoke, Sam started to blush, and then near the end ‘Sammy’ started threatening Dean’s very existence.

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