(Chapter 4 1/4) Meanwhile At Aperture Science

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“I am your father, Jedi GLaDOS.” 

“That is impossible, considering that you are a human and I am a machine.”

“Always with the seriousness I suppose.” Another voice joined in.

“What are you two doing here anyway, this is a locked testing facility? I am far too busy testing to have chats.”

“Ah, that’s what I admire, your determination to test! That is what I look for in a potential partner.”

“You want to test?”

“Yes. Yes I do. Darth, show her our business plan.”

“Who are Rachel and Camerica?”

“People we need you to test, one is more prefered over the other. I was hoping Aperture could serve as a home base of sorts.”

“So you’re trusting me with this?”

“Well we are all after the same thing aren’t we?”

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