(Chapter 7) I Smell A Group Of People United For A Specific Reason

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~Camerica’s POV~

“Ah, brilliant! You made it through! Well done. Okay, follow me. We've still got work to do. At least she can't touch us back here.” Wheatley remarked as if recalling an old conversation.

“What are you going on about? Are you talking about GLaDOS?” I puffed. The robot (sorry, core) had no reply as we continued down the dark hallway. At the end of the passage was two metal doors, each with different engravings on them. 

“Uh, that one! No wait, that one. The one with the kittens on it, probably.” The british bot debated with himself. I walked passed the door with the pink cube and kittens on it, and walked into the opposite one. Who doesn’t love big red X’s on metal doors? 

“Oh hello. We were expecting you two! Come take a seat!” A green-haired guy smiled at us from the inside of the room once the white door was open. 

“You must be joking!” Wheatley cried, eyeing the messy room and creepy guys. “I told you to go into the room with kittens! Not the one filled with random people with no significance to the story what’s-so-ever.”

“Tie them up with our finest rope, Dalek Thay, we want to make them feel welcomed.” The smiling man hissed, pointing at a random Dalek. Wait, Dalek?

“Woah there. Why are you making the Dalek tie the rope? He has no hands, Smiley.” A young blonde kid with a scar running down his face comment snarkily. His eyes were a rich golden color, which made me shiver.

“It’s ‘The Joker’, kid. Like you don’t know who I am.” The joker laughed. The Dalek somehow tied me up to a post as a Cyberman took Wheatley away. The joker walked around the room, probably thinking of his next line. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was all rehearsed. 

“Why hello, my pretty!” A wicked voice screeched as they walked into the room. A witch appeared in front of me, giving me a good look at her vile warts adorning her nose, cheeks and chin. 

“What are you people?” I asked skeptically. I tried to wiggle free but I knew I wouldn’t get very far if I was to get out. 

Wheatley was place in a hole in a box, two straps secured him in.

“Honestly, I wasn’t expecting this...” He said rather defeated. His orb like eye was covered with his shutter.

“Shut up!” A man with a hook said as he swung it around menacingly.

“Whoa, watch where you point that thing!” some random person shouted. 

“Wait, a man with a hook, a witch, the ‘Joker’... You guys are all famous movie villains!” I shrieked as the horrible truth hit me square in the face. So it was a bad guys teaming up situation, typical. 

“Yes my dear, we are indeed ‘famous movie villains’.” The Joker smiled making his way to a machine labelled ‘Evil Coffee’. He picked up a cup and placed it under the nozzle. “Welcome to the VUFSR, Villains United For a Specific Reason!” 

“We’re not all movie villains, some of us come from books.” The golden eyed kid responded. The Joker rolled his eyes.

“Got her you did!” A old voice sounded behind me, along with a weird breathing noise. 

A short green guy and a man wearing dark helmet came into view. I immediately recognized them as Darth vader and Yoda, just as green and creepy as I remembered him.

“Yoda! I thought you were one of the good guys!” I exclaimed as he sat in a white cushion chair. He brought his cane up onto his lap and shrugged. 

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