(Chapter 1) We Meet The Winchesters

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“It says here that in Pennsylvania, there have been three deaths in the past week. Each victim had two puncture wounds on the neck. Do you think its a vampire?” Sam questioned reading off the local Pennsylvanian news report.

Dean looked over at his younger brother with a sad expression. “Who knows Sammy? Maybe it is just a psycho killer who- No its probably a vampire.”

“Yeah we should g-”Sam was cut off as the front of the Impala was hit by two flying objects, both covered in purple slime. The shocked brothers stared at the sight in front of them, to scared to say anything.

The slimy figures looked up at Sam and Dean with excited expressions. Before anyone could say anything, one of the slimy purple girls threw a glance at the main window. She looked up and said, “Hello hot-stuff. My name is Single Ladies.. You can call me Baby, baby.” The force of her strange voice shattered the cars window, making Dean growl with anger.

The boys looked up from the shattered Impala window at the girl in purple. Her right eye was half closed, adding to the boys terror. “Who are you?” Sam asked cautiously as the girl came towards the car door. She looked at the handle expectantly, as if waiting for it to open on its own.

Camerica huffed as she reached for the door. She pressed on the window in a pattern. After several minutes of trying she gave up. “This is so ridiculous! Why won’t this idiotic door open?!” Rachel just stood there, startled and confused. “Camerica...” She said with worry.

“Refer to me as Single Ladies!” Cam shouted to the sky.

Dean cringed. “Sammy, what in gods name is going on, who are these strange girls?” Sam shook his head in response. “I have no idea, I know just as much as you do.”

Rachel walked over to the struggling Camerica, then gripped the handle pulling it. It popped open. “Camerica, I think this world is different. I mean look around. Where is all of the flying burritos and rhinos?” Cam looked horrified. “Oh god, you’re right! Where did those beautiful floating delicious piles of goo go?”

“Dean, DEAN.” Sam screamed as Camerica climbed into the car, struggling to get over Sam. “For goodness sake please move over! I am trying to get in!”

“CAM! Stop. This is someones car, in fact that someone is right next to you.” Rachel said pointing to Dean frantically, only to get a foul expression in response. “What ever! I’m gonna go highjack this car and take it for a spin!”

Sam shoved Camerica out the door. “Do you have any concept of personal space?” He asked concerned. Cam tested the name on her tongue. “Personal space... Never heard of it.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Hey, so what’s your names?” She asked looking at the boys.

“Should we tell them?” Dean asked Sam as the huddled. “I have no idea, whats the worst that could happen?” Dean shrugged. “I’m Dean, this is my little brother Sammy.”  “Sam.” Sam corrected.

“Well Sam, Dean, pleasure to meet you.” Camerica held out her hand. “And to all my fans out there... This is Camerica filming live with Sam and Dean.” “Wait, your name is Camerica.” Dean laughed. “That’s new.”

“I’m Rachel.” Rachel wiped her slime covered hand and held it out. “Nice to meet you Rachel.” Sam said taking it.  Dean opened his door, climbing out. “Okay. Lets get this straight, what’s your story?”

Rachel opened her mouth to speak but Camerica came in from the right. “Well we are from a place called Snoitanicullah, a small city located in loco-cocoa grass lands. I was at school, a vampire trying to bite my neck while fans cheered for me to sign their shirts. All of a sudden a giant bear strapped with bombs came and exploded. I was pushed into the vortex it created and I brought Rachel with me.”

“What drugs are you taking?” Dean said in disbelief. “We aren’t on drugs, that’s what happened.” Rachel said as she pushed passed Camerica. “Ya...” Sam said scratching the back of his head as he got out of the car. “Wait. You don’t believe us... What a plot twist.” Cam whispered excitingly at the change of events.

“No duh they don’t believe us, look at this place-” Rachel gestured to the world around them. “-They don’t even have deer-men.” “Deer-men...” Sam was nervous, these girls were freaking him out, and he doesn’t usually get freaked. (we all know his job.)

“It's obvious we have to get to our own world to finish the story. So, you are going to take us there.” Cam stated as she began to highjack Sam’s seat. “Hold up again for a sec, finish the story? What is this? Inception?” “Dean, this is nothing like inception...” Sam remarked.

“Okay, I see that you’re having a tough time coping, we understand. It will probably take us weeks to adjust.” Rachel pointed out in hopes to create a relationship with these to men, she had a feeling they were the only people that would help them.

Dean didn’t want any part of these girls, but they seemed to be lost, and really lost. “Hey Sam, can I talk to you in private?” Dean asked as Rachel was explaining to Camerica how to open a door.

“Sure Dean.” Sam and Dean walked down the road a bit.

“Sam, do you think we should help them?” He raised his eyebrow at his younger brother. Sam thought for a moment. “Well... I see no problem in helping them, we should first find out if their human, because this could all be a trick.” Dean rolled his eyes. “Sam. They literally came out of a nowhere, but better safe then sorry.”

They returned to the two girls as Camerica opened the door on her own. “I did it! I’m a real girl now!”

“Okay, we have decided what to do. You can come with us, but you need to pass some tests.” Dean remarked, looking over at the girls who were still covered in goo. “And take a shower, you both stink.”

Rachel looked over at the Winchester’s with a confused expression. “What’s a shower?”

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Hakuna Matata! ~TheLairOFBatness

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