(Chapter 4 1/2) Let The Testing Begin

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~Rachel’s POV~

Dean drove down the long road, looking back every once and a while at Castiel, Camerica and I with Wheatley in my hands.

“So you’re telling me you're from a lab?” Dean said to Wheatley.

“Yes, and there are tons of cool gadgets!” He was overjoyed in telling us every detail. I assumed he didn’t get to tell people many things.

“If you’re from a lab then why were you in that basement?” Sam asked, looking back at us.

Wheatley shifted uncomfortably. “Long story...” he trailed off obviously not wanting to talk about it.

“We’ve got time.” Sam probed, giving us the feeling that he didn’t like Wheatley.

“There was this girl...” Dean nodded, understanding where this story was about to go. “We were really good friends once, but I did something stupid.”

“And… Now shes pregnant and you ran for the hills?” Dean guessed, laughing at the ridiculous notion of a robot making a human pregnant.

“Shut up Dean.” Castiel said intrigued. “Continue Wheatley.” 

Wheatley cleared his throat and continued. “So, yes, um I did something stupid, almost got her killed and she sort of never forgave me. I don’t blame her though, she has every right to.” He sighed.

“Hey! Maybe we could take you back to your friend and she could forgive you!” I piped up trying to lighten the situation. 

The elephant has the poodle! Woof woof! Eeeeong eeong woof!” A sound came from Sam’s pocket, destroying the awkwardness as everyone started to laugh. Sam gave us a scared expression as he answered his phone. 

“Hello?” He asked ignoring our laughter and putting the phone on speaker.

The person on the other end let out a chuckle. “Sam is this?”

“Um...Yes?” He said questioningly.

“Aperture you must go” The voice said, it sounded old, and gurgly.

“Who is this?” Sam asked shushing us with a wave. 

“I did not sign up for this…” Dean sighed, pulling the Impala over so he could listen to the call. 

“Secret that is, aperture you must go!” The person hung up and we were left in stunned silence.

“Is it just me or did that sound a lot like yoda?” Sam asked us as he shoved his phone back into his pocket, brushing his hair out of his face. 

“We’ve encountered stranger.” Cam piped up from beside Castiel. 

“Hey!” Wheatley burst out in excitement. “Aperture Laboratories! That’s where I’m from!” He started to wiggle.

“Well then, it’s settled. We must go to Aperture.” I said adjusting the squirming Wheatley.

“This could be a trap.” Castiel spoke. “This is an odd coincidence that our acquaintance Wheatley is from the same place we were introduced from by ‘yoda’.” He glanced a Dean.

“Yes, it is possible that this is a trap, but the person trying to trap us could know information.” Dean replied to Cas as he started the car up again. “Oh, and thanks for fixing the window.”

Castiel shrugged. “Wasn’t a difficulty.” He studied Wheatley for a second. “Can I hold him?” He asked me.

I felt a little protective of this mysterious british core but I handed him over.

“Thank you Rachel.” Castiel took him gingerly. He looked into the big blue eye and inspected his surface. 

“Yes, the label reads Aperture Laboratories.” He told us as the car rushed down the road.

“You didn’t believe me?” Wheatley sounded offended. 

“Of course I did, but robots can easily be rewired to believe anything.” He handed Wheatley back to me, I flipped him around so he could see out the window.

“Next stop: Aperture Laboratories!” Dean said as he cranked up the Radio.

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