(Chapter 9) Dean Bakes A Cake

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Dean’s head throbbed, an image of a cake still fresh in his mind. All he remembered was having a fight of some sort, and then ending up here, in this weird room. Stoves lined the wall adjacent to Dean, and refrigerators the other, along with a couple of mirrors. A silver table stood in front of him, and he was seated in a metal chair.

“Ah, you’re awake.” GLaDOS’s voice radiated into the white room. “We can finally begin.”

“Begin what?” Dean asked in disgust, he didn’t want any part of this. He then remembered a certain angel wasn’t with him. “And where is...Uh, Ca-Sam?”

“Your brother is somewhere safe as of the time being, now, are you going to cooperate or am I going to have to kill you both?”

Dean weighed his options. Castiel was an angel, so he could get himself of harms way, but there may be more angel warding symbols around. He just couldn’t risk it.

“Fine.” He said mildly defeated. “Get on with it.”

“Hey Dean!” A voice sounded. “I’m okay! In case you were wondering.” It was Wheatley, not that anyone cared for his well being or safety.

“Stop talking.” GLaDOS commanded the small robot. “Now, Dean, I am going to send in some ‘friends’ to take part of this ‘event’. Don’t be alarmed, they won’t be the thing that kills you.”

“Event, a thing that kills people? What is this?” Dean bounced from his metal chair, ready to fight.

Suddenly two robots walked in. One had a oval body and an orange eye, the other almost identical to Wheatley but with legs, and arms. He was frozen in place.

They waved at him with their robotic hands, making happy squeaking noises.

“Who are you?” He asked, cautiously stepping backwards.

They didn’t respond and took their place at another table next to him. Now did he notice a clock with 20 minutes frozen on the timer.

“The rules are simple.” GLaDOS explained. “You have to make a cake that pleases me, or you die.”

“Well ain’t that cut and dry.” Dean muttered.

“The first person to present must place their cake on this platform.” A small platform rose up from the floor, it had a little sign saying ‘a cake a day keeps the neurotoxin away!’ “If you fail to please me with your cake then you will be dropped into the pit of surprise, it has been in storage all this time, just waiting to be used. I thought to myself, what a great opportunity. Now, get ready test subjects!”

Before Dean could even react a whistle blew and the refrigerators opened magically. The two robots ran for the eggs and milk. Dean scrambled beside them grabbing as many objects that would be in a cake as possible.

He placed all of his ingredients on his table and ran for a mixing bowl. He struggled to find the right one, but then settled with just grabbing all of them.

He dumped the whole bag of flour in the bowl, causing it to explode all over the counter.

“For gods sake!” Dean shouted as he tried to clean his workspace.

“Now Dean, be careful, we don’t want you to be slipping anytime soon.” GLaDOS said, her voice coated with acid, almost as if she was mocking him.

Dean scowled and continued to place butter, and milk into the bowl.

“Lets see.... Eggs... Eggs are in cake.” Dean said as he cracked an egg in the mix. he cursed as some shell got into the batter. Putting his hand in he tried to fish it out, only to succeed getting unmixed flour, milk and raw egg on his jacket and pants.

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