(Chapter 5) For Science!

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~Camerica's POV~

“Oh god! Not this bloody horrid song again! Dean, please change it.” Wheatley whined from the backseat. Dean ignored the robot as he turned up the volume and started to sing off key. Somewhere along the ride I had switched places with Sam, so I was now in the front next to Dean. Shipping Rachel and Sam won’t be hard, we just have to get them alone together.

“Girl, someone be evil laughin’!” I heard from the backseat. “Bella?” 

“And Edward!” The sparkly vampire joined in, popping up beside Sam.

“How long have you guys been here?” Rachel asked, making room for the couple next to her.

“Long enough to know that Sam has his eyes on you!” Bella choked and/or laughed. Rachel and Sam shared a knowing look. The back started to look crowded, the three person seat now held five plus a robot. Trying to even out the crowd, I grabbed Castiel and pulled him in between Dean and I.

“This is not comfortable.” The angel said, trying to find a good place to sit.

“Sh shh, this is my favourite song!” Dean yelled, turning up the volume more than the poor car could take.

“Oh dear bloody portals, not this again!” Wheatley hollered, rolling his eye in frustration. 

 -=-=-=- Three Painful Hours Later -=-=-=-

“Is this song on repeat or something?” Rachel shouted over the sound of Bella and Edwards snogging. 

"Stop the car!” Sam shouted, gaining the attention of us all. In front of the car stood a small shack, surrounded by barren desert land.

“I don’t think this is it Sam.” Dean pointed out, eyeing the small creepy shack.

“Yes it is, Dean, see that sign?” Castiel said as he put an arm out in front of Dean’s face, pointing to a sign on the ground.

“Watch it Cas!” Dean snapped as he whacked Cas’s arm away and looked out of the window.

“Everybody out!” Rachel yelled. “It is too crowded in here!” She pushed past Bella and Edward breaking up their smooches. She held on to Wheatley as she exited the car. Sam, Castiel, Dean and I followed. 

“I guess the love birds are going to watch the car...” Dean said looking forlorn. “Take care of my baby...” He touched the hood of the impala lovingly. 

“Stop being weird.” Sam told Dean as we headed towards the shack, he seemed nervous.

“Wheatley, does this look familiar to you?” Rachel asked Wheatley, holding him out so he could see the sign. “Yep.” He replied. “This is indeed the place, although I have never been here before...” 

“Okay, who is going first?” I asked crossing my arms in a no-way-in-a-billion-years-am-I-going-to-be-first kind of way.

Dean took the hint. “I’ll go.” He said putting his hand up in defeat.

He headed towards the shack. Carefully he tested the handle on the door, causing it to swing open invitingly. “It’s like this place is alive!” Dean said stepping inside. “I don’t like it.”

We all followed after Dean, it was dark in this tiny place, but Wheatleys glowing blue eye lit the place just enough for us to see the next door. 

Dean yet again opened the metal door and light came pouring in. We were in an front desk/office work place of sorts. Everything was white and the smell of newly washed floors caught in my nose.

"Where is everybody?” Sam asked looking around. He stopped by a desk and checked the computer. 

“Find anything?” Dean asked heading towards Sam. Sam clicked a key on the keyboard and frowned. “All there is on this screen is some code that resembles a cake recipe...” His face was grim.

“Well, this is cleaner than I expected.” Wheatley said, which added to the uneasy feeling settling over the room.

“How clean?” Castiel asked, a worried expression on his face.

“Last time I was here everything was in ruins.” Wheatley shifted around nervously in Rachel's arms. “But hey, she must’ve done some spring cleaning...”

“She?” Dean asked. “Who the hell is She?” He looked around as if expecting someone to jump out and attack him, I was starting to feel the same way.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you about her didn’t I?” He laughed nervously. “Silly me, ya there may or may not be a sociopathic robot running this place...”

Everybody's face went slack.

“Sociopathic robot...” Rachel mouthed. “Why didn’t you tell us this?” She looked Wheatley right the eye.

“I thought you wouldn’t want to take me here, but hey! Now that we are here why not try and find her?” Wheatley’s shuttered covered his eye half way in what I assumed was a ‘hopeful’ gestured.

“No way am I finding a sociopathic robot!” I shouted snatching Wheatley out of Rachel’s hands. I shook him up a bit. “You are going to explain everything to us!”

Wheatley nodded shakily. “Do you mind setting me down on the chair over there?” He asked, obviously not liking my death grip. “Sure.” I placed on the chair and stepped back giving him some room.

“The robot that runs this place is named GLaDOS, Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, and she went rogue a while back, you know, killing all the scientists and such-” Wheatley was cut off by an angry Sam who had gotten out of his seat.

“She killed all the scientists! She can kill people!” He was freaking out, breathing in and out to calm himself. “This was a bad idea.” He murmured. 

“Wait, we can’t all blame Wheatley, you got the ‘yoda’ call didn’t you.” Rachel pointed out, Sam nodded in response. “So, there is obviously a reason we are here other than returning him. I say we explore further and split into groups.” She reasoned. 

“Sure! How about... Cas and Dean...” I pointed to Castiel and then Dean, they nodded in response. “Um... Sam and Rachel...” A grin spread across my mouth, Rachel blushed and they both nodded. “And I guess that leaves me with Wheatley.” Wheatley’s eye grew small.

“Wait, don’t I get a say in this?!” He asked wildly looking for back up. 

“Sorry Wheatley, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.” I said as I scooped him up. 

“Meet back here is say... an hour?” Sam asked. We all agreed and split up.

Wheatley and I headed into the direction of the staff lounge, Sam and Rachel went through a door labelled testing centre and Dean and Cas headed in to the direction of the employees locker room. 

“You should know something before we go too far.” Wheatley commented as we walked through the brightly lit halls. “What?” I asked.

“This place is huge, so we may get lost, and I am not so good with directions.” He sounded sad.

“Don’t worry, I am pretty sharp with the senses.” I assured him. “Now, lets go find some secrets!”

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