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An hour later I was sitting on his couch, my eyes fixated on the television screen but my mind wandering. My fingers were knitted together in my lap as a desperate ploy to stop them from shaking like they had since the fourth of July.

"I'm meeting Betty at Pop's soon," Archie began, straightening from the slouched position he'd been in all afternoon. He opened his mouth to continue but I cut him off.

"I'll come. Can't wait to see her." A smile creeping onto my face, perhaps the first genuine one since I'd arrived in Riverdale.

Archie chuckled and stood, I followed suit and in seconds we were standing at Betty's door. My hands quivering despite how hard I was clenching them into fists.

Betty pulled open the door mere moments after Archie had knocked, a bright smile on her face that faltered once her eyes landed on me.


"Betty?" I jested wrapping my arms around her and hoping that she'd forgotten the terms I'd left on.

"Why are you back?" Betty asked, pulling away.

I cleared my throat slightly and attempted to mask the hurt that flickered across my face, "I missed you guys," I began hoping to leave it at that, but upon seeing Betty's quirked eyebrow I continued, "I heard about the murder and wanted to make sure you were all okay."

Betty's eyes that were flooded with a million unreadable emotions flicked from my pleading ones to Archie. I saw him nod his head infinitesimally and she sighed before stepping outside and closing the door behind her.  

lola | JUGHEAD JONES ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant