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I used to swim in the lake in the summer as a child. Archie and Betty would come and we'd spend the whole day laughing and splashing each other. The lake used to seem such a wonderful place; we used to joke about it being called Sweetwater because it was the happiest place in the town.

Standing on the bank now those memories seemed just too far out of reach, tickling at the edge of my consciousness. The lake felt like death.

That was the only way the lake could be described; as cold and dark despite how the late afternoon sun had beat down on my back as I walked here.

A bright yellow body bag rounded the corner, two men on either side carrying it. The brightness seemed oversaturated as if it were sucking out all the colour around it. I felt sick.

My eyes fluttered shut and suddenly a hand was on my shoulder. I spun around my watering eyes meeting Jughead's concerned gaze. I collapsed against his chest; winding my arms around his back and burying my face in his chest. Jason and I hadn't been all that close but the death in the air was palpable and reminded me all too much of my childhood.

Jughead's rigid body adapted to mine after a moment; resting his chin on my head and wrapping his arms around me. I could feel his heart beating ridiculously fast against his chest, sending reverberations throughout my whole body.

He whispered something then; his voice so quiet I almost couldn't be sure if I was imagining it or not: "I'm sorry." 

lola | JUGHEAD JONES ✔Where stories live. Discover now