t w e l v e

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We could've laid there for hours more; perhaps we did. It felt like no time passed as we laid sprawled together on the old bed. A mess of tangled limbs.

A knock at the door finally woke us up. Groaning, I slid out from underneath the warm comforter; Jughead behind me, and padded across the cold wooden floors to the front door.

I swung open the door and was met with Archie's wide eyes.

"Lola," he breathed and as a hand found its way to my shoulder his eyes travelled to above my head, "and Jughead."

I stepped back and swung open the door gesturing for him to enter. He wasn't even halfway inside before he started talking.

"I lost Betty. I can't believe it, I've lost her," he began, his words tumbling out in a single stream of consciousness.

I shook my head and took a step toward him, placing a comforting hand on his arm, "Archie, it's alright. Just calm down and tell me what happened."

He looked up from the floor to my eyes and held my stare for a moment before nodding and exhaling shakily.

"I kissed Veronica at Cheryl's party and Betty went home and told me she loved me." He explained, his eyebrows cinched.

"What did you say? Do you love her?" I asked quickly, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"No, I don't."

lola | JUGHEAD JONES ✔Where stories live. Discover now