Chapter 15

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I wonder if he has thought about me as much as I've been thinking about him. The odds are extremely thin, but one can dream, right?

Get over yourself, my subconscious tells me, wagging her finger. It was just a one-time thing. At this, I sigh dramatically, knowing that she is 100% right.

I will never see him again.

It's too bad that the heart wants what it wants.

At least I didn't drink last night, otherwise I would be suffering from a major hangover right now. I wonder how Talie got home last night... I'm almost positive that she did in fact have a couple of drinks. I pick up my phone to send her a quick text.

*Did you get to your dorms alright?*

After checking the time, I close my eyes and throw and an arm over the span of my head, as a method of blocking out the sunlight that's pouring in through the windows.

I lay here on my bed, thinking about how I can make today, my first Saturday at college, productive. Being me, I've already completed my homework assignments throughout the duration of the week, so that isn't something that I need to worry about. Although I did take a shower after I got home last night, I feel as if I need another one just to clear my head. There are so many things that I just need to clear out, especially those charcoal grey eyes that I haven't been able to get out of my head since last night. I groggily stand up and rub my eyes as I make my way over to the bathroom.

I turn the knob in the shower all the way to left so that the water is as hot as possible. Letting the water run over my body, I come to the conclusion that I will use today to look for a job. Maybe I can book a few interviews in the process - I really do need money. I briefly remember that I need to pay Axel back from that major shopping spree when I stupidly left my debit card at home. I'll text him later.

When I'm finally done going through my meticulous shower process, I wrap myself and my hair in a towel to quicken the drying process. Afterward, I throw on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. There's no reason for me to dress up - I've been doing that too much nowadays. It feels good to just wear whatever I want to wear without worrying about who important is going to see me. This is LA, the odds of me running into someone I know is very small. Today is going to be a good day for me. Being that I've only been here for about a week, I'm going to use today to settle in and map out when I'm going to do what.

Finally leaving the bathroom after what seems like ages, I take note that Desiree isn't here. Almost as if on cue, my phone pings, notifying me of a text message from her.

*Stayed at a friend's house. I didn't call because I'm assuming you're sleeping, especially after the wild night we had yesterday ;) Anyway, don't worry about me too much. Xo*

I decide against texting her back because of Talie. I don't know if I should or shouldn't be cautious around Desiree. I'm not holding anything against her for grinding on Pierce last night considering I danced with a random guy as well. Hell, Pierce was most likely the one that insinuated the whole thing that went down between him and Desiree, just to make Talie jealous. I'm in desperate need of answers. However, I refuse to let that dwell on my mind today. Although it's still bothering me, I'll think about that later.

I grab my wristlet as I leave my dorm room, not forgetting it this time. I also have my tote with me, which contains the weekly paper and my Mac laptop as I make my way into the city.

UCLA is located in a very convenient area for me, another reason why I chose this college over USC. The walk from the campus to Starbucks isn't very long. I order a caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream, my normal drink. The seats outside are much more appealing to me. I would much rather prefer the natural sunlight and fresh air over the dim light and coffee filled air of Starbucks.

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