Chapter 1

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Okay before anything,no copyrighting this book. This is my original book, no stealing parts, I give none of you permission to copy. Copyright is stealing and do not hesitate to tell me if you see someone stealing my work.


We really didnt expect it. We were having fun. Then everything changes in a blink of an eye. We really didnt need this. But it happened anyways, cant stop that.

Alex's P.O.V

I sighed aggravated. Here we are, just another day of nothing. I blinked as someone snapped their fingers in front of my face. Looking over I see Jerry. He gave me a goofy grin, "You looked spaced out man, join life for once." That grated on my nerves and we rounded another corner, watching the cars go by on the street on my left. Naomi snorted and barked at Jerry to quit bugging me, but i didnt mind.

I felt a bump on my right and almost jumped. I forgot Kurtis was there for a moment, he was being quiet. If i had to be honest, I'd say Kurtis was my closest friend out of all of them. Jerry and Naomi of course I would protect with everything, but Kurtis is the kind of friend I'd trust to have my back. I smiled at my dysfunctional family.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a scream arose. We all looked up and saw a man tackle a woman to the ground. He sank his teeth in her neck and tore off her flesh, her blood going everywhere. Suddenly it all went to hell. Cars crashed, things exploded, fire was everywhere, and more people ran screaming away from this beast and the more than appeared, killing on sight.

The woman he bit got up, her complexion very cold now. She spotted us from across the bock and ran screeching, blood foaming at her mouth. Jerry, Naomi, Kurtis, and I all ran back, and I saw an alley.  Naomi, not being able to run very fast due to knees, was lagging. I could still hear her screeches. Suddenly Naomi was picked up by Kurtis and we all ran. I ran in the front and yelled "In the alley! Hurry the fuck up!" My heart was pounding and I felt faint. I saw people all around me get torn to shreds, their blood splattering everywhere. Yet, no one noticed us excelt the ugly banshee that now ran across the opening, not seeing us in the alley hiding. We sat in the back huddled together. Kurtis and I sat in front, in a protective position.

I got up slowly and spoke quietly, "Climb up the fire escape, make no noise at all. We cant risk it. The roofs will be safe for now." Kurtis went first, to check if its safe, then went Naomi, then Jerry, then myself. I heard a loud bang above me to see that Jerry had slipped. I head a foul snarl from my left and saw a creature, dirty and foaming at the mouth had saw me climbing. He screeched and Jerry panicked, he tried to climb faster and i was halfway up until i felt a hard pull on my leg. I was freaking out so bad, I started to flail and shake my leg and my heart was pounding. Kurtis cried out from above us and Naomi freaked out badly. Finally I kicked my foot free and smashed my shoe in the ugly thing's face. It fell back and slammed into the wall. A loud crack echoed and it slumped down and fell. It didnt move.

I climbed frantically now, everything around me spinning. I got to the top and Kurtis grabbed me and squeezed me, not letting go. Jerry closed the latch on top, so the things wouldnt follow us up. I couldnt breathe. Kurtis and Jerry were trying to calm me down, my chest burned and I felt tears in my eyes. Naomi pushed them away with odd strength. She held my face and made me look at her she kept whispering "calm down" or "its okay, breathe" and the ringing in my ears died down and my chest stung. I could see Naomi's brown long hair. I looked to my left to see Kurtis's brown eyes staring worriedly at me. Naomi and Jerry's blue eyes were full of worry and fear.

I shook my head and smiled. Jerry laughed quietly and said "You're freaking mad, smiling after almost passing out." I snorted while Naomi nodded in agreement, but she couldnt help smiling too. I looked to my left agaun and saw even Kurtis couldnt help but crack a smirk.

I thought a little. "We cant stay in the same place, too risky. What the fuck was that down there? WHAT IS HAPPENING?! How did this happen?? Yknow what, it doesnt matter, my friends are alive and thats all that matters." I nodded my head in affirmative to my thoughts. My mind is made up. "Alright guys, I know youre tired, I am too. But whatever is happening down there, we cant risk staying in the same place. I say we go to our hideout for a while. But even then we cant stay" I saw their sad looks, but they were confused too, I also saw fear. Kurtis nodded in understanding and I continued, "We need to keep moving. Think of it as an adventure. This is literally what we see in the movies, except this isnt fake. What happened down there is what we need to avoid. I know youre scared guys, I am too, but we gotta do this. We gotta survive."

Naomi and Jerry nodded sadly and got up so I yelled "aye come on guys dont look sad, WE AINT WUSSES ARE WE?!" "NO!" they yelled back. "WE ARENT GONNA LET THIS TAKE US OUT ARE WE?!" I yelled again, and I saw fire in their eyes. "NO WAY!" they yelled louder. "THEN LETS DO THIS!" I almost screamed. They jumped around and got up quicker, a fire burning in their eyes. Pure determination. Even Kurtis looked pumped and I smile crazily. Dysfunctional indeed.

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