Chapter 9

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Kurtis P.O.V

How? Whats happening? How is she here? Questions ran through as I stared at the girl who just smiled. "How are you here...?" I whispered shocked.

She chuckled and said "I am not here. Sadly. This is a sick dream. You worry about me, but i know youre over it. I am part of your imagination. Even though I act like me." she smirked. "This is another dream, oddly. But I guess you could say I am part of her. I know whats happened, I see through her eyes and yours."

I processed her words for a moment. I had questions, though pride wouldnt let me answer. "Where is she?" I asked. 'Alex' chuckled roughly and said "ah, well. She is where the map says she is. Deep in the labs."she turned serious "You need to be prepared, these guys are real deal guys. They arent freakin movie bad guys that aim horribly and stuff. They. Will. Kill. You." The atmosphere turned tense, "she needs you, alot. She is gone, and I shall ask you, boy, is this life or death mission really worth it?" I growled and she looked surprised at me.

"Its worth it."

She smiled and spoke "the right answer indeed. You need help, alot. Ask that hurricane girl, she seems cool. Ah well, time is wasting. Farewell...Kurtis.."

Everything fuzzed out and I leapt up in a cold sweat. I was in my room, my heart ways pounding but it calmed a little hearing the consistent arguing outside. That conversation ehoed through my head as I processed. This was all do messed up.

I leapt up and ran through the halls, and found Naomi, Jerry, and Camron all in the dining hall. I ignored the disturbed looks on their faces and I grabbed them and yanked them to Katrina's office. I slammed open the door and threw them in.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" she yelled angrily. I made sure no one was around and I spoke calm "Last night I had a dream, and it was about Alex" collective gasps rang around the room. I retold the entire dream and Naomi spoke out "I had the exact same dream! I asked he questions but she wouldnt answer me. And it ended with that question too!" Surprise filled me at that. Jerry and Camron agreed too. We all had the same dream! Same 'Alex'.

Katrina looked completely surprised. Shocked. We all looked at her and she snapped out of it. "Erm.. Whatever that dream was.. Just stay out of it. Dont go there, dont worry about it. different. Just stay here! With us! BE OUR FAMILY!" she cried and we were all baffled.

I tried to speak "Katrina, what-" "PLEASE! Its not worth it! Risking your lives isnt worth it. Shes just a HUMAN! SHES NOT IMPORTANT! Please stay here where youre safe! We will protect you!" she cut me off yelling. Naomi gotta up and left slowly, followed by Jerry, then Camron.

Then myself. And we left her.

In Kurtis's room late that night

We all sat on my bed. I had my bag in my lap, I had stolen it back from Katrina's hidden space. Camron and Naomi at my headboard crisscrossed and Jerry at the foot on his back. I sat in the middle against the wall. My thoughts were jumbled, my head hurt. This room wasnt home. Nothing was home. "Why did we stay for so long? Its been almost 9 months since they knocked us out and brought us here. We dont belong." I spoke quietly. They all heard me and I could tell they thought the same. "They blinded us. We were blind. We forgot her." Naomi said, a tear slipped out of our eyes at her last sentence. It was true. We forgot.

"How...could we do this?!" Jerry cried out. My mind made itself up "guys, we have to leave. We cant afford to be here anymore. We gotta go." and they agreed to my words. My room, my bed, everything wasnt mine. This is a lie.

"Tonight we leave, go get packed up. Pack up what we need, food, water. Clothing things like that." and we were off. I wrote one last thing to Katrina, and waited.

We waited until the house was asleep. Except for night duty. They walk around outside and scouted for zombies. The guard wasnt as high, so we could easily get past them.
I dodged behind a tree and shook my head to rid my thoughts. Naomi was beside me and Camron was hidden behind a tree. 5 feet away Jerry layed against the ground in camouflage.

The guard walked away and we waited for the flashlight to be gone. I picked up Naomi and made a mad dash for the borders, and at last we were free.


A few days later

We had been running for a few days. We have at least a 3 day head start. We were close now. This forest we were still in was filled with animals, and hardly any zombies, but Camron finished those off easily. We ate deer, squirrel, rabbits and even once a racoon. We got a kick out of the hat I made from its skin. It now its upon Camron's head and now Naomi wont touch him. Its still funny!

I had been following the map and soon we should be there. Worry consumed me, all the thoughts of what they could be doing to her. I know a little more of what theyre capable of.


I sat here. It had been one day since we escaped Katrina. I pulled out the top secret file. I only got to page one and it had a horrid letter.

"Page 2
The Failed Experiments

Experiment one on the first day of being injected started feeling dizzy.
Day two had moodswings, very violent ones. He attacked and killed a staff member.
Day three, felt stomach problems. Finally he exploded. His body rejected the virus. Cleaning took a week.

Experiment two, a pregnant woman. Day one after being injected felt extreme protectiveness torwards her 8 month womb. Attacked anyone near who wasnt pregnant.
Day two the experiment felt sick. We can see her belly expanding and decreasing. Bruising all over.
Day three the experiment's baby tore open through her stomach. It attacked anyone who came near and began to screech at its mother whom was dying. It bit her neck and then proceeded to destroy and rip apart anyone who came inside. We lost 3 men. The mother began to screech and attack with her baby. 3 more men gone. We exterminated them.

These are the least dangerous of our experiments. Just two out of thousands."

I kept reading and saw body diagrams of mutations and deformities. I almost threw up but was glad Naomi and Jerry were asleep. Camron looked over my shoulder mortified. We know what we are up against now. Maybe an army.

End flashback

I shook my head of the thought and got up. We all started to walk. We were very close now. 8 miles away was where Alex is being held hostage. My mind filled with horrors of what they must be doing to her. I looked down and cleared my thoughts. We must keep going. I have my stolen hand guns and mini bombs. I took them from Katrina's armory. I stole back my sweet bat, and also took back my family's weapons. I also gave Camron one. In my bag is also Alex's daggar.

A small smile ran on my face as i remembered how we created these weapons from a scrap yard. We found iron pieces and melded them. It was fun and we were so happy to have our own possessions. We borrowed the smelter from the nice junkyard owner man. I hope he is okay. "Haha, hes definitely okay. That dude was badass." I snickered mentally and kept walking.

Dont worry Alex. We're coming for you.

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