s l o w t o w n

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it had been a week.

a week since tyler sang for you for the first time, with his voice that was almost certainly pure gold, and as big as the sky. your heart lit up every time he sang for you, with or without his ukulele.

right now, you were sitting in the tree, rather than under it. it was cold, the grey skies making tyler's smile all that more essential. how, you thought to yourself, did i manage to find a boy who embodies the sun?

he was smiling at you now, his elbows resting on his knees as his feet dangled off the tree branch he was sitting on. "what other instruments do you play, ty?" you asked, and he grinned wider. "piano, bass guitar, tambourine, and i rock a mean keytar." he said, which made you laugh. "hey," he defended, "keytars are sick." through your giggles, you could see his blue-green face frowning at you.

"i never said they weren't." you said, and he laughed, wind chimes in the summer sun and the color yellow. "i'm in a band, you know." he said, smirking at you. "not to sound like a complete douche bag or anything." you giggled again, trying to match his blue burgundy smirk. "and we have a song called slowtown where i play the keytar a lot."

"what's your band called?" you asked, and tyler sighed, his eyes shining proudly as he told you.

"twenty one pilots."

"like...the ones in the arthur miller play?"

tyler's expression was one of pure joy.

"yes! exactly like the ones in the arthur miller play!" he beamed, and you smiled at the absolute sunbeam of a boy that sat across from you. he moved closer to you, so now you were sitting next to each other on the tree branch.

tyler held your hand today.

his hands were the cello note, blue-green-yellow.


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